Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Buen amigo

Buen amigo is a Tango written by Julio de Caro and recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1946. Aníbal Troilo has recorded Buen amigo as an instrumental Tango.
“Buen Amigo,” translated to English as “Good Friend,” captures the essence of steadfast companionship and loyalty. Through its harmonious notes or heartfelt lyrics, this piece of music evokes the warmth and comfort of a friendship that stands the test of time. Each melody or phrase reflects the joys and solace found in the presence of a true companion.

Letra del Tango Buen amigo

En las buenas o en las malas
triunfante de pie o vencido,
la mano del buen amigo,
se tiende cordial y buena.
Consuelo en la dura pena,
aliento en amarga vida
si adoré a mi madre en vida,
también cultivé amistad.

Si alguna vez
me ves rodar
tu mano firme y fiel
me alzará
Tu corazón,
noble sin par,
está vibrando al son
del violín

En los riscos del camino
mil veces lloré vencido,
mil veces fui mal herido,
sangrando en la dura huella,
de pronto alumbró una estrella
tu mano me dio la vida
se cerraron mis heridas
al soplo de tu bondad.

Mil veces caído
sentí desmayar,
mil veces tu mano
me diste al pasar.

Hermano fiel
en mi orfandad
tu mano firme y noble
floreció en amistad.
El tiempo cruel
no ha de borrar
jamás tu fiel recuerdo,
buen amigo leal.

English lyrics of the Tango " Buen amigo"

In good times or in bad,
triumphant standing or defeated,
the hand of a good friend,
extends warm and kind.
Consolation in harsh sorrow,
breath in bitter life,
if I adored my mother in life,
I also cherished friendship.

If sometime
you see me fall,
your firm and faithful hand
will lift me up
Your heart,
unparalleled in nobility,
is vibrating to the tune
of the sleepy

On the risky paths
a thousand times I wept defeated,
a thousand times I was badly hurt,
bleeding on the hard trail,
suddenly a star shone
your hand gave me life,
my wounds closed up
at the breath of your kindness.

A thousand times fallen
I felt faint,
a thousand times your hand
you offered as I passed.

Faithful brother
in my orphanhood,
your firm and noble hand
bloomed into friendship.
Cruel time
will never erase
your faithful memory,
good loyal friend.

Buen amigo by Juan Carlos Marambio Catán

Buen amigo is a Tango written by Juan Carlos Marambio Catán and composed by Julio de Caro.

Story behind the Tango Buen amigo

The lyrics of “Buen amigo” vividly illustrate the deep emotional crux of friendship through both hardship and joy. The core theme revolves around the steadfastness of a true friend who provides support whether one is triumphant or defeated. The references to the comfort and revival brought about by a friend’s hand in times of despair or fall illustrate a profound dependence and appreciation for friendship.

Symbolism of Buen amigo

The recurring motif of ‘la mano del buen amigo’ (the hand of a good friend) symbolizes support and salvation. This hand is not just a physical extension but a metaphorical lifeline offered in moments of need. The words ‘tu mano firme y fiel me alzará’ (your firm and faithful hand will lift me up) evoke feelings of hope and reassurance. Furthermore, the comparison of the friend’s heart to a ‘noble sin par’ (unmatched noble) enhances the exaltation of the friend’s virtues.

Buen amigo in historic Context

Written in post-World War II Argentina, “Buen amigo” reflects a cultural context where friendship and loyalty were crucial for emotional and sometimes physical survival. The 1940s in Argentina were times of significant social and political change, making the themes of solidarity and support even more resonant. The reference to enduring hardship ‘en los riscos del camino’ (on the cliffs of the road) could be interpreted both personally and as a reflection of the turmoil within the country during that period.

Juan Carlos Marambio Catán

Juan Carlos Marambio Catán was an esteemed Argentinian lyricist known for his contributions to the Tango genre.