Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ


Uno is a Tango written by Mariano Mores and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1943. The Tango Uno is written by Mariano Mores, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Uno with the singer Oscar Serpa.
“Uno” translates to “One” in English. This singular word captures the essence of a lone figure dancing in the dim glow of fading lights, embodying the solitude and unity found in the dance of life. As the music unfolds, “One” becomes a journey into the heart, where every note weaves a tapestry of solitary strength and timeless grace.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Oscar Serpa


Enrique Santos Discepolo


Mariano Mores




Oscar Serpa
Oscar Serpa
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Uno recorded by other Orchestras

Uno recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Uno

This is the translation of the Tango “Uno” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Uno” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Uno

Uno, busca lleno de esperanzas
el camino que los sueños
prometieron a sus ansias…
Sabe que la lucha es cruel
y es mucha, pero lucha y se desangra
por la fe que lo empecina…
Uno va arrastrándose entre espinas
y en su afán de dar su amor,
sufre y se destroza hasta entender:
que uno se ha quedao sin corazón…
Precio de castigo que uno entrega
por un beso que no llega
a un amor que lo engañó…
¡Vacío ya de amar y de llorar
tanta traición!

Si yo tuviera el corazón…
(¡El corazón que di!…)
Si yo pudiera como ayer
querer sin presentir…
Es posible que a tus ojos
que me gritan tu cariño
los cerrara con mis besos…
Sin pensar que eran como esos
otros ojos, los perversos,
los que hundieron mi vivir.
Si yo tuviera el corazón…
(¡El mismo que perdí!…)
Si olvidara a la que ayer
lo destrozó y… pudiera amarte..
me abrazaría a tu ilusión
para llorar tu amor…

Pero, Dios, te trajo a mi destino
sin pensar que ya es muy tarde
y no sabré cómo quererte…
Déjame que llore
como aquel que sufre en vida
la tortura de llorar su propia muerte…
Pura como sos, habrías salvado
mi esperanza con tu amor…
Uno está tan solo en su dolor…
Uno está tan ciego en su penar….
Pero un frío cruel
que es peor que el odio
-punto muerto de las almas-
tumba horrenda de mi amor,
¡maldijo para siempre y me robó…
toda ilusión!…

English lyrics of the Tango "Uno"

One, filled with hopes, searches
for the path that dreams
promised to his yearnings…
He knows the fight is cruel
and vast, yet he fights and bleeds
for the faith that obsesses him…
One crawls through thorns
and in his aim to give his love,
suffers and tears himself apart until he realizes:
that one has ended up heartless…
Price of punishment that one yields
for a kiss that doesn’t come
from a love that deceives him…
Empty now of loving and crying
so much betrayal!

If I had the heart…
(The heart that I gave!)
If I could, like yesterday,
love without foreseeing…
It’s possible that to your eyes
that shout your love to me,
I would close them with my kisses…
Without thinking that they were like those
other eyes, the wicked ones,
those that ruined my life.
If I had the heart…
(The same one I lost!)
If I could forget the one
who shattered it yesterday and… could love you…
I would cling to your illusion
to weep for your love…

But, God, you brought me to my destiny
without thinking that it’s too late
and I won’t know how to love you…
Let me weep
like one who suffers in life
the torture of crying his own death…
Pure as you are, you would have saved
my hope with your love…
One is so alone in his pain…
One is so blind in his sorrow…
But a cold cruelty,
worse than hatred,
– the dead point of souls –
terrible grave of my love,
cursed forever and stole…
all illusion!…

Uno by Enrique Santos Discepolo

Uno is a Tango written by Enrique Santos Discepolo and composed by Mariano Mores.

Story behind the Tango Uno

“Uno” is an introspective and poignant tango, reflecting the desolation of a heartbroken soul. Its lyrics delve into themes of love, betrayal, and disillusionment. Discepolo crafts a narrative of a person who, filled with hopes and dreams, is harshly confronted with the realities of unrequited love and emotional devastation. It narrates the pain and reflection of someone who has given everything in the name of love, only to be left empty and heartbroken.

Symbolism of Uno

The song uses vivid symbolism to enhance the emotional weight of its lyrics, where the heart symbolizes the core of feeling and giving. Phrases like “Uno va arrastrándose entre espinas” and “se destroza hasta entender: que uno se ha quedao sin corazón” reflect the self-destructive journey of unreciprocated love. The heart is not just a physical organ but a symbol of love, now lost, conveying a deep sense of hopelessness. The “cruel cold” that is “worse than hate” symbolizes a profound emotional numbness and the frozen state of a once warm heart.

Uno in historic Context

Written in 1943 during World War II, a period marked by global conflict and personal upheavals, “Uno” mirrors the broader ambiance of loss, disappointment, and a craving for a past filled with better memories. Even without direct war references, its tone and content are likely influenced by a worldwide environment of despair and the struggle for survival, aligning with the personal battles fought within the lyrics.

Enrique Santos Discepolo

Enrique Santos Discepolo was an esteemed Argentine tango and milonga musician and composer, known for his profound and impactful lyrics.