Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Una lágrima

Una lágrima is a Tango written by Nicolás Verona and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1967. The Tango Una lágrima is written by Nicolás Verona, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Una lágrima with the singer Abel Córdoba.
“Una lágrima,” meaning “A Tear” in English, carries the weight of quiet sorrow and unspoken longing. It dances like a solitary drop of emotion, gliding gracefully across the canvas of a listener’s heart. Within each note, it captures a fleeting moment where fragility meets resilience, telling stories that words alone could never fully express.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Abel Córdoba


Eugenio Cárdenas


Nicolás Verona




Abel Córdoba
Abel Córdoba
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Una lágrima recorded by other Orchestras

Una lágrima recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Una lágrima

This is the translation of the Tango “Una lágrima” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Una lágrima” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Una lágrima

Cuando rodó, cual gota cristalina,
sobre su faz, la lágrima de amor,
me pareció su cara tan divina
un lirio azul besado por el sol.
Y recordé que aquella muchachita
guardaba en su alma ya muerta la ilusión,
porque el galán después de tantas citas
le hizo morir de angustia el corazón.

Cuando ve la carta amarillenta
llena de pasajes de su vida
siente que la pena se le aumenta
al ver tan destruida
la esperanza que abrigó.

El hombre aquel a quién adoró tanto
y le entregó su vida virginal
le hizo empapar su juventud de llanto
¡la hizo vivir cien noches de ansiedad!
Y al recordar la dicha que soñara
mira esa carta que un día él le mandó
pidiéndole que ella lo perdonara
si nunca más volvía… y no volvió…

Esta triste historia de su vida
ella, cabizbaja me contaba,
mientras que una lágrima rodaba
por su hermosa cara
llena de amargo dolor.

English lyrics of the Tango "Una lágrima"

When it rolled, like a crystal drop,
upon her face, the tear of love,
her countenance seemed so divine
a blue lily kissed by the sun.
And I recalled that little girl
harbored in her soul an already dead dream,
because the suitor after so many dates
made her heart die of anguish.

When she sees the yellowed letter
full of passages of her life,
she feels her sorrow grow
seeing how destroyed
the hope she had cherished.

The man whom she adored so much
and to whom she gave her virginal life
made her soak her youth in tears
he made her live a hundred nights of anxiety!
And remembering the happiness she had dreamed of
she looks at that letter he once sent her
asking her to forgive him
if he never returned… and he didn’t…

This sad story of her life
she told me, head bowed,
while a tear rolled
down her beautiful face
filled with bitter pain.

Una lágrima by Eugenio Cárdenas

Una lágrima is a Tango written by Eugenio Cárdenas and composed by Nicolás Verona.

Story behind the Tango Una lágrima

The tango “Una lágrima” translates to “A Tear” in English, and meticulously captures the sorrow and despair of a woman reflecting on lost love and betrayed expectations. Its lyrics describe the journey of a single tear, representing the culmination of her grief and the permanently scarred purity of her first love. The story unfolds around a heartfelt letter, dimmed by time, that reminds her of promises made and never fulfilled, embodying the anguish of a relationship that delivered more agony than solace.

Symbolism of Una lágrima

The recurrent image of “Una lágrima,” a single tear, serves as a potent symbol of the protagonist’s emotional state. It represents the pain of unrequited love and the disillusionment that follows broken promises. The lyrics use elements of nature, such as a “lirio azul besado por el sol” (a blue lily kissed by the sun), to highlight the innate beauty and transient innocence of the woman’s feelings, which, though beautiful and pure, are fated to fade away. The faded, yellowing letter symbolizes the passage of time and the durability of her emotional scars.

Una lágrima in historic Context

Recorded during a time when tango was a profound expression of the Argentine soul, “Una lágrima” imagines the socio-emotional landscape of Argentina, 1967. During this period, tango often grappled with themes of existential angst, sorrow, and the politics of everyday life. “Una lágrima” stays intimate, focusing on personal tragedy, yet mirrors the collective sentiment of disillusionment that could be felt at the time, likely exacerbated by the political and social turbulence of Argentina in the 1960s.

Eugenio Cárdenas

Eugenio Cárdenas was a lyricist whose work piercingly and empathetically conveyed the intricacies of heartache and loss in the realm of tango.