Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Un tango para el recuerdo

Un tango para el recuerdo is a Tango written by Rafael Del Bagno and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1957. The Tango Un tango para el recuerdo is written by Rafael Del Bagno, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Un tango para el recuerdo with the singer Jorge Maciel.
“Un tango para el recuerdo” translates to “A Tango for Remembrance” in English. The swirling melodies and passionate rhythms capture moments lost in time, evoking nostalgia and longing. Through each note and pause, this tango invites listeners to dance with their memories, celebrating past joys and loves that linger in the heart.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Jorge Maciel


Antonio Cantó


Rafael Del Bagno




Jorge Maciel
Jorge Maciel
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Un tango para el recuerdo recorded by other Orchestras

Un tango para el recuerdo recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Un tango para el recuerdo

This is the translation of the Tango “Un tango para el recuerdo” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Un tango para el recuerdo” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Un tango para el recuerdo

Cuando vine pa´ este barrio, de la mano de mis viejos

Era un pibe que soñaba con los cuentos de Vigil,

Y aprendí desde purrete a charlar con las estrellas

Y encontré por esa huella a mi barra juvenil.

Cuando surgió la cortada de aquel barrio del recuerdo

Sobre su lomo de tierra dimos vida a la ilusión,

Una pelota de veinte, una vieja camiseta

Y aquel cuadro inolvidable, que se llamó “Tradición”.

Por qué calles se perdieron

Los amigos de mi barra,

Ya no está la muchachada

En la rueda del café.

Y al rumbear para mi casa

Ya no voy pa´ la otra pieza,

A darle un beso a la vieja

Porque también se me fue.

Cuando vine pa´ este barrio, ni siquiera imaginaba

Que en la vida me aguardaban tropezones por doquier,

Menos mal que Dios ha puesto una flor en mi camino

Perfumando mi existencia el amor de una mujer.

De aquel ayer me ha quedado este cofre de recuerdos

Apretado en lo más hondo de este viejo corazón,

Qué alegría al recordarlos, cuántas penas, cuántos sueños

Que ni el viento de los años de mi alma los borró.

English lyrics of the Tango "Un tango para el recuerdo"

When I came to this neighborhood, hand in hand with my elders
I was a kid who dreamed about the tales of Vigil,
And from a young age, I learned to chat with the stars
And found along that path my youthful gang.

When the alley appeared in that neighborhood of memories
On its dirt back, we gave life to hope,
A twenty-peso ball, an old shirt
And that unforgettable team, named “Tradición.”

Which streets have swallowed up
The friends of my gang?
The boys are no longer
Around the coffee table.
And heading home
I don’t go to the other room anymore,
To give a kiss to my dear mother
Because she too has left me.

When I came to this neighborhood, I couldn’t even imagine
That life had in store for me stumbles everywhere,
Thank goodness God placed a flower on my path
Perfuming my existence with a woman’s love.

From that yesterday, I’ve kept this treasure chest of memories
Pressed deep inside this old heart,
What joy in remembering them, how many sorrows, how many dreams
That even the wind of the years hasn’t erased from my soul.

Un tango para el recuerdo by Antonio Cantó

Un tango para el recuerdo is a Tango written by Antonio Cantó and composed by Rafael Del Bagno.

Story behind the Tango Un tango para el recuerdo

“Un tango para el recuerdo” translates to “A Tango for the Memory” in English. The lyrics poignantly recount the journey of the narrator from childhood to adulthood, reminiscing about his life experiences in his old neighborhood. The emotional arc of the song captures the essence of nostalgia and longing for the past, particularly the people and places that shaped the narrator’s early life. As he revisits these memories, he is confronted with the passage of time and the loss it brings, encapsulated in the faded presence of childhood friends and the physical absence of his mother.

Symbolism of Un tango para el recuerdo

The tango is rich in symbolism. The repeated phrase “Cuando vine pa’ este barrio” symbolizes the narrator’s deep roots and attachment to his neighborhood, which stands as a witness to his life’s ups and downs. The “cofre de recuerdos” or “chest of memories” serves as a metaphor for his cherished, preserved memories that continue to live in his heart despite the erosion of time. The imagery of conversing with stars and childhood games not only romanticizes his past but also symbolizes innocence and purity of early experiences, which have been overshadowed by the harsh realities of adult life.

Un tango para el recuerdo in historic Context

The tango’s creation in 1957 in Argentina situates it during a period marked by political instability and cultural shifts. The nostalgic tone of the tango potentially offers a coping mechanism for listeners, taking them back to simpler times amidst the chaos of the late Argentine governments before the revolution of 1955 and leading up to the tumultuous 60s. This historical context illuminates how the tango might resonate with the Argentine populace, echoing a collective sentiment of longing for stability and the comforting memories of days gone by.

Antonio Cantó

Antonio Cantó was an Argentine tango lyricist known for his ability to evoke deep emotion and nostalgia through his compositions.