Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Toda mi vida

Toda mi vida is a Tango written by Aníbal Troilo and recorded by Cuarteto Aníbal TROILO in 1968. Cuarteto Aníbal TROILO has recorded Toda mi vida as an instrumental Tango.
“Toda mi vida,” meaning “All My Life” in English, is a tender expression of longing and devotion. It captures the essence of a journey filled with memories, heartaches, and love that spans across time. This piece invites the listener to dance through their emotions, weaving together moments that define the tapestry of an entire lifetime.



Cuarteto Aníbal TROILO




José María Contursi


Aníbal Troilo




Cuarteto Aníbal TROILO
Cuarteto Aníbal TROILO

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Toda mi vida recorded by other Orchestras

Toda mi vida recorded by other Orchestras

Letra del Tango Toda mi vida

Hoy, después de tanto tiempo
de no verte, de no hablarte,
ya cansado de buscarte
siempre, siempre,
siento que me voy muriendo
por tu olvido, lentamente,
y en el frío de mi frente
tus besos no dejarás.

Sé que mucho me has querido
tanto, tanto como yo;
pero, en cambio, yo he sufrido
mucho, mucho más que vos.
No sé porque te perdí,
tampoco sé cuándo fue,
pero a tu lado dejé
toda mi vida,
y hoy que estás lejos de mí
y has conseguido olvidar,
soy un pasaje de tu vida, nada más.

¡Es tan poco lo que falta
para irme con la muerte!
Ya mis ojos no han de verte
nunca, nunca.

Y si un día, por mi culpa,
una lágrima vertiste,
porque tanto me quisiste
sé que me perdonarás.

English lyrics of the Tango "Toda mi vida "

Today, after such a long time
of not seeing you, of not speaking to you,
tired of always searching
always, always,
I feel that I am slowly dying
from your forgetfulness,
and on the cold of my forehead
your kisses will not remain.

I know you loved me much
as much as I loved you;
but, in contrast, I have suffered
much, much more than you.
I don’t know why I lost you,
nor do I know when,
but by your side, I left
all my life,
and now that you are far from me
and have managed to forget,
I am just a chapter of your life, nothing more.

It’s so little that remains
for me to go with death!
My eyes shall never see you
never, never again.

And if one day, a tear you shed
was my fault,
because you loved me so much,
I know you will forgive me.

Toda mi vida by José María Contursi

Toda mi vida is a Tango written by José María Contursi and composed by Aníbal Troilo.

Story behind the Tango Toda mi vida

The lyrics of “Toda mi vida” profoundly express themes of love, loss, and repentance. José María Contursi lays bare the soul of an individual who has lost their significant other, not through physical departure but through emotional absence. The narrator reflects poignantly on their past love, acknowledging deep suffering brought on by the beloved’s forgetfulness and his unwavering, perhaps unreciprocated, affection that continues even in her absence. This bittersweet recollection culminates in acceptance of his lonely fate, a life without his loved one’s presence but forever haunted by her memory.

Symbolism of Toda mi vida

Symbolism runs deep in “Toda mi vida.” Phrases like “y en el frío de mi frente, tus besos no dejarás” use coldness to signify the feeling of loneliness and loss of the warmth once provided by the lover’s physical affection. The mention of dying “lentamente” (slowly) not only refers to the physical sense of life dwindling but also mirrors the slow fade of fond memories into painful ones. The insignificance the speaker feels is captured in calling himself merely a “pasaje de tu vida” (a passage in your life), emphasizing the transient and seemingly inconsequential impact he had on her life despite how profound his feelings are/were.

Toda mi vida in historic Context

Composed and released in 1968 by Aníbal Troilo, “Toda mi vida” reflects the emotional and cultural temperament of Argentina during a time period that was charged with political and social change. While 1968 globally was a year of political upheavals and changes, in Argentina, it was also a time of deep self-reflection and cultural expression, often through music. Tango, inherently melancholic and soulful, served as a poignant outlet for exploring themes of human suffering, longing and complex emotional landscapes that were prevalent during this era.

José María Contursi

José María Contursi was an influential Argentine poet and lyricist known for his deeply emotive and poignant tango lyrics that often explored themes of love, loss, and existential sorrow.