Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ


Sollozos is a Tango written by Osvaldo Fresedo and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1957. The Tango Sollozos is written by Osvaldo Fresedo, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Sollozos with the singer Carlos Barrios.
“Sollozos,” meaning “Sobs” in English, carries within it the weight of unspoken sorrow. The music whispers tales of longing and heartache, each note a teardrop cascading down silent cheeks. It captures the essence of a moment suspended in time, where emotions linger, unexpressed yet profoundly felt.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Carlos Barrios


Emilio Fresedo


Osvaldo Fresedo




Carlos Barrios
Carlos Barrios
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Sollozos recorded by other Orchestras

Sollozos recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Sollozos

This is the translation of the Tango “Sollozos” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Sollozos” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Sollozos

En un mundo de alegrías,
entre el humo y copas de champagne,
hay una almita afligida
que se esconde por llorar.
Atraído por su pena
mi pañuelo lágrimas secó,
mientras dijo: “Estoy enferma,
sufro y lloro por mi amor”.

Volvió su cara hacia mi lado,
acariciando su dolor.
Oí sollozos y cortados,
bajo habló: “Un hombre me engañó”.
Le dije: “Olvide su pasado,
olvide todo lo de ayer.
No llore si él no ha llorado,
ni pensó que sufre una mujer”.

Algo habría en su mirada
que no fue preciso adivinar,
ilusiones apagadas,
odio y ganas de vengar.
Dijo entonces que su vida
de pasión en pena se tornó.
Recordó felices días
a su vieja y su honor.

Pobre, su quebranto mi alma hirió,
que sin fuerzas me sentí,
cuando vi su relicario
y enseñó que el falso estaba allí.
Pobre, con cuanta tristeza vio
que por ella yo sufrí.
El pintar de sus labios,
la sonrisa para mí.

English lyrics of the Tango "Sollozos"

In a world of joys,
among the smoke and glasses of champagne,
there’s a little sorrowful soul
hiding herself to cry.
Drawn by her pain
my handkerchief dried her tears,
while she said, “I am sick,
I suffer and cry for my love.”

She turned her face to my side,
caressing her pain.
I heard sobs broken and low,
she whispered, “A man deceived me.”
I told her, “Forget your past,
forget everything from yesterday.
Do not cry if he has not cried,
nor thought of a woman’s suffering.”

Something in her gaze
was not hard to guess,
extinguished hopes,
hatred and desires for vengeance.
She then said that her life
from passion turned to dismay.
She reminisced happy days
to her mother and her honor.

Poor thing, her distress wounded my soul,
I felt powerless,
when I saw her locket
and it showed that the betrayer was there.
Poor thing, with such sadness she saw
that I suffered for her.
The painting of her lips,
the smile for me.

Sollozos by Emilio Fresedo

Sollozos is a Tango written by Emilio Fresedo and composed by Osvaldo Fresedo.

Story behind the Tango Sollozos

The lyrics of “Sollozos” tell a poignant story set in a lively, affluent setting, contrasting sharply with the pain of a heartbroken woman. Amidst the joy, champagne, and smoke, the narrator encounters a sorrowful soul, a woman grieving over deceit in love. She confides in the narrator, revealing her emotional turmoil and a sense of betrayal by a man. The theme revolves around the classic tango motifs of love, loss, and betrayal, inviting the listener into a deeply personal yet universally relatable tale of heartache. The narrator offers her comfort, urging her to let go of the past and the man who failed to value her love.

Symbolism of Sollozos

“Sollozos,” which translates to “Sobs” in English, symbolizes the uncontrollable grief and the emotional release of tears. The imagery used in the song, such as the “humo” (smoke) and “copas de champagne” (glasses of champagne), paints a vivid picture of a setting where happiness should prevail, yet it masks deeper, silent sorrows. The sollozos are not just physical but evoke the woman’s social and emotional suffocation. Especially potent is the relicario (locket) that holds a picture of the deceitful man, symbolizing both the cherished memories and the painful betrayal she keeps close to her heart.

Sollozos in Historic Context

Created in 1957, “Sollozos” emerged when tango music frequently explored themes of melancholy and betrayal, resonating with a post-World War II society grappling with disillusionment and changing gender roles. Buenos Aires, often the scene for tango music, is a city marked by its contrasts between the festive scenes and personal dramas. These layers of societal joy and individual sorrow are captured lyrically by Emilio Fresedo, reflecting the complex emotional landscapes navigated by individuals in the mid-20th century Argentina.

Emilio Fresedo

Emilio Fresedo, an iconic figure in the Argentine tango scene, contributed rich, emotive narratives through his music, often collaborating with his brother Osvaldo Fresedo.