Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Sin palabras

Sin palabras is a Tango written by Mariano Mores and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1946. The Tango Sin palabras is written by Mariano Mores, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Sin palabras with the singer Oscar Serpa.
“Sin palabras,” meaning “Without Words” in English, captures the essence of emotions expressed beyond the confines of language. This piece, whether an instrumental or a sung poem, whispers stories through melodies and rhythms, speaking directly to the heart. It invites listeners to feel deeply, as it paints vivid pictures where words would only dim the brilliance of its expressive power.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Oscar Serpa


Enrique Santos Discepolo


Mariano Mores




Oscar Serpa
Oscar Serpa
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Sin palabras recorded by other Orchestras

Sin palabras recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Sin palabras

This is the translation of the Tango “Sin palabras” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Sin palabras” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Sin palabras

Nació de ti…
buscando una canción que nos uniera,
y hoy sé que es cruel brutal -quizá-
el castigo que te doy.
Sin palabras
esta música va a herirte,
dondequiera que la escuche tu traición…
La noche más absurda, el día más triste.
Cuando estés riendo, o cuando llore tu ilusión.

Perdóname si es Dios,
quien quiso castigarte al fin…
Si hay llantos que pueden perseguir así,
si estas notas que nacieron por tu amor,
al final son un cilicio que abre heridas de una historia… ¡Son suplicios, son memorias…
fantoche herido, mi dolor, se alzará, cada vez,
que oigas esta canción!…

Nació de ti…
mintiendo entre esperanzas un destino,
y hoy sé que es cruel, brutal -quizá-
el castigo que te doy…
Sin decirlo esta canción dirá tu nombre,
sin decirlo con tu nombre estaré yo.
Los ojos casi ciegos de mi asombro,
junto al asombro de perderte y no morir.

English lyrics of the Tango "Sin palabras"

It was born from you…
seeking a song that would unite us,
and today I know it’s cruel, brutal -perhaps-
the punishment I give you.
Without words,
this music will hurt you,
wherever your betrayal is heard…
The most absurd night, the saddest day.
Whether you’re laughing, or when your dreams cry.

Forgive me if it’s God,
who decided to punish you in the end…
If there are tears that can chase like this,
if these notes born from your love,
in the end are a scourge that opens wounds from a story… They are tortures, they are memories…
wounded puppet, my pain, will rise, every time,
you hear this song!…

It was born from you…
lying between hopes for a destiny,
and today I know it’s cruel, brutal -perhaps-
the punishment I give you…
Without saying it this song will speak your name,
without saying it, with your name I’ll be there.
The eyes almost blind from my astonishment,
alongside the astonishment of losing you and not dying.

Sin palabras by Enrique Santos Discepolo

Sin palabras is a Tango written by Enrique Santos Discepolo and composed by Mariano Mores.

Story behind the Tango Sin palabras

“Sin palabras,” translating to “Without Words” in English, emerged from an intimate connection with the pain of betrayal. The song encapsulates the silent yet profound impact of emotional anguish inflicted by a loved one’s betrayal. Discepolo channels his personal grief into a universal narration, where the music itself becomes an agent of retribution, subtly expressing the inexpressible—haunting the betrayer wherever they might go, in moments of joy or sorrow.

Symbolism of Sin palabras

The repeated phrase “Sin palabras” reinforces the theme of speechlessness in the face of betrayal, emphasizing the depth of hurt that goes beyond verbal expression. Discepolo plays with the notion of music as a living entity capable of pursuing and reminding one of their misdeeds, mirroring the everlasting scars left on the soul by deceit. The symbolism extends to the portrayal of music as a form of divine justice, possibly reflecting a belief in a moral universe where emotional debts must be repaid, whether through celestial intervention or the eternal memory of music.

Sin palabras in historic Context

Written in the immediate aftermath of World War II in 1946, Argentina was, like much of the world, embroiled in political and economic uncertainty. This period, rife with societal shifts, would have influenced Discepolo’s perspective, lending a dual layer to his work—one personal and the other reflective of the broader societal betrayal felt by many at the time. The yearning for connection in a disenchanted world is palpable in the lyrics, resonating with a national sentiment of disillusionment.

Enrique Santos Discepolo

Enrique Santos Discepolo was an influential Argentine tango and milonga musician and composer, known for his profound and poignant lyrics.