Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Si nace chancleta

Si nace chancleta is a Tango written by Mario Demarco and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1959. The Tango Si nace chancleta is written by Mario Demarco, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Si nace chancleta with the singer Jorge Maciel.
“Si nace chancleta,” meaning “If a Flip-Flop is Born,” dances through the air like a playful tango. It speaks to the acceptance of life’s simple inevitabilities and the humor found in everyday moments. This piece captures the essence of embracing humble beginnings with a light-hearted spirit, weaving a melody of resilience and joy.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Jorge Maciel


Vicente Bonvissuto


Mario Demarco




Jorge Maciel
Jorge Maciel
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Lyrics Translation of the Tango Si nace chancleta

This is the translation of the Tango “Si nace chancleta” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Si nace chancleta” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Si nace chancleta

Si nace chancleta – sentenció con rabia –

Rodará por tierra mi gran ilusión,

Ha sido tan larga la angustiosa espera

Que Dios me podría mandar un varón.

La ley del destino – le dije – es tan sabia

Que nadie en el mundo la podrá torcer,

Y pensá un momento, con amor de hijo

Que tu propia madre también fue mujer.

Y vino una hijita, con ojos de cielo

Copito de nieve, capullito en flor,

Y era tan linda, que los angelitos

Notaron su ausencia del Reino de Dios.

Los días transcurren llenos de esperanza

Y él vive anhelando volver al hogar,

Donde los bracitos que llegan corriendo

Se le echan al cuello, diciendo: ¡Papá!.

Pero fue que un día vio que las vecinas

Bajaron los ojos al verlo pasar,

Lo mordió la angustia del presentimiento

Y hasta tuvo miedo de entrar a su hogar.

Bracitos dormidos, que ya no se extienden

Ojitos cerrados, que ya no ven más,

Y un hombre que llora, mientras muere el eco

De la voz pequeña que dice: ¡Papá!

English lyrics of the Tango "Si nace chancleta"

If born a girl slipper – he declared in rage –

My grand illusion will roll on the ground,

The anxious waiting has been so long

That God could’ve granted me a son.

The law of fate – I told him – is so wise

That nobody in the world could bend,

And think for a moment, with a child’s love

That your own mother was also a woman.

And a little daughter came, with eyes of sky

Little snowflake, flower bud,

And she was so beautiful, that the angels

Noticed her absence from the Kingdom of God.

Days pass filled with hope

And he lives longing to return home,

Where little arms running to him

Wrap around his neck, saying: Daddy!

But then one day he saw that the neighbors

Lowered their eyes when he walked by,

The anguish of a foreboding gnawed at him

And he was even afraid to enter his home.

Little arms asleep, that no longer reach out

Little eyes closed, that see no more,

And a man who cries, while the echo dies

Of the small voice saying: Daddy!

Si nace chancleta by Vicente Bonvissuto

Si nace chancleta is a Tango written by Vicente Bonvissuto and composed by Mario Demarco.

Story behind the Tango Si nace chancleta

The lyrical content of “Si nace chancleta” reveals a poignant, deeply emotional narrative centered around familial expectations and the reality of parenthood. The song begins with a man expressing anger and disappointment at the possibility of having a daughter instead of a son, which he views as the destruction of his great hopes. However, as the story unfolds, this daughter, described with celestial and delicate imagery like “copito de nieve” (snowflake) and “capullito en flor” (budding flower), brings immense joy and becomes the light of his life. The narrative takes a tragic turn as it seems the daughter falls ill or dies, reflected by neighborhood whispers and the deflated enthusiasm of the man entering his home to find silence where there once was life.

Symbolism of Si nace chancleta

“Si nace chancleta” delves into deep symbolism, particularly through its use of metaphors. The phrase “con ojos de cielo” (with eyes of the sky) symbolizes innocence and the divine origin of the child, linking her to a celestial purity. The heartbreaking transformation from lively embraces to “bracitos dormidos” (sleeping little arms) and “ojitos cerrados” (closed eyes) intensifies the tragedy, symbolizing the loss of life and the quiet that accompanies absence. Additionally, the song title itself, “Si nace chancleta,” which translates to “If born a flip-flop,” colloquially, connotes something thrown together or of little importance, reflecting societal undervaluing of female children during that era.

Si nace chancleta in historic Context

“Si nace chancleta” emerged in 1959 Argentina, a cultural landscape steep in traditional gender roles and expectations. The preference for a male heir portrayed in the tango mirrors the prevalent societal norm where males were often favored for family inheritance and continuity reasons. This song, therefore, not only serves as a narrative about personal loss but also subtly critiques the gender biases deeply embedded in Argentine society of that time. It emphasises the emotional bonds and irreversible love that can exist regardless of gender, challenging the prevailing cultural narratives.

Vicente Bonvissuto

Vicente Bonvissuto was an influential figure in the Tango genre, renowned for his poignant lyrics which often explored complex human emotions and societal themes.