Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Rondando tu esquina

Rondando tu esquina is a Tango written by Charlo and recorded by Ángel d’Agostino in 1945. The Tango Rondando tu esquina is written by Charlo, Ángel d’Agostino has recorded Rondando tu esquina with the singer Ángel Vargas.
“Rondando tu esquina” translates to “Roaming Around Your Corner.” This evocative title suggests a longing presence, circling the cherished spaces where memories linger. It speaks to the enduring hope of encountering love once more, as if the music itself is a gentle, yet persistent wanderer, tracing the familiar paths of the heart.



Ángel d'Agostino


Ángel Vargas


Enrique Cadícamo






Ángel Vargas
Ángel Vargas
Ángel d'Agostino
Ángel d’Agostino

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Rondando tu esquina recorded by other Orchestras

Rondando tu esquina recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Rondando tu esquina

This is the translation of the Tango “Rondando tu esquina” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Rondando tu esquina” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Rondando tu esquina

Esta noche tengo ganas de buscarla,
de borrar lo que ha pasado y perdonarla.
Ya no me importa el qué dirán
ni de las cosas que hablarán…
¡Total la gente siempre habla!
Yo no pienso más que en ella a toda hora.
Es terrible esta pasión devoradora.
Y ella siempre sin saber,
sin siquiera sospechar
mis deseos de volver…

¿Qué me has dado, vida mía,
que ando triste noche y día?
Rondando siempre tu esquina,
mirando siempre tu casa,
y esta pasión que lastima,
y este dolor que no pasa.
¿Hasta cuando iré sufriendo
el tormento de tu amor?

Este pobre corazón que no la olvida
me la nombra con los labios de su herida
y ahondando más su sinsabor
la mariposa del dolor
cruza en la noche de mi vida.
Compañeros, hoy es noche de verbena.
Sin embargo, yo no puedo con mi pena
y al saber que ya no está,
solo, triste y sin amor
me pregunto sin cesar.

English lyrics of the Tango "Rondando tu esquina"

Tonight I feel like seeking her out,
to erase the past mistakes and forgive her.
I no longer care what people will say
or about the things they’ll talk about…
After all, people always talk!
I think about her all the time.
This consuming passion is terrible.
And she always unaware,
without even suspecting
my desires to return…

What have you given me, my life,
that I walk sad night and day?
Always roaming around your corner,
always watching your house,
and this passion that hurts,
and this pain that doesn’t go away.
How long will I keep suffering
the torment of your love?

This poor heart that can’t forget her
speaks her name with the lips of its wound
and deepening its bitterness,
the butterfly of pain
crosses the night of my life.
Friends, tonight is a night of celebration.
However, I can’t deal with my sorrow
and knowing that she is gone,
alone, sad, and without love,
I ceaselessly wonder.

Rondando tu esquina by Enrique Cadícamo

Rondando tu esquina is a Tango written by Enrique Cadícamo and composed by Charlo.

Story behind the Tango Rondando tu esquina

The lyrics of “Rondando tu esquina” depict a poignant narrative of longing and unrequited love. The song’s protagonist is grappling with intense emotions after a separation, expressing a deep desire to reconcile and forgive past grievances. The repetitive nature of their pain is underlined by their nightly vigils near the loved one’s corner, reflecting an enduring hope and persistent heartache.

Symbolism of Rondando tu esquina

The title “Rondando tu esquina” translates to “lurking around your corner” in English, symbolizing the lingering presence and constant yearning of the protagonist for their beloved. Phrases such as “una mariposa del dolor” (a butterfly of pain) and the recurring imagery of nighttime—symbolic of darker emotions and solitude—enrich the narrative with a sense of delicate yet profound suffering. The metaphor of a wound constantly reminded by the heart illustrates the deep scars left by the lost love.

Rondando tu esquina in historic Context

Written in Argentina in 1945, post World War II, the period was marked by significant transformations and emotional undercurrents in society. The themes of love, loss, and nostalgia prevalent in “Rondando tu esquina” could be reflecting the broader cultural sentiments of the time—themes of recovery, reflection, and the pain of separation from loved ones, either from political conflict or societal shifts. These influences potentially make the tango resonate deeply within its audience, acting as a mirror to their own experiences.

Enrique Cadícamo

Enrique Cadícamo was a notable Argentine lyricist and poet, renowned for his contributions to the Tango genre.