Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ


Recién is a Tango written by Osvaldo Pugliese and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1980. The Tango Recién is written by Osvaldo Pugliese, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Recién with the singer Abel Córdoba.
“Recién,” which translates to “Just Now” in English, captures the fleeting essence of a moment freshly lived. It is the tender pause between breaths, where memories are born and whispered dreams softly emerge. A dance of notes weaves the fragile beauty of the present, painting the canvas of time with vivid, immediate life.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Abel Córdoba


Homero Manzi


Osvaldo Pugliese




Abel Córdoba
Abel Córdoba
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Recién recorded by other Orchestras

Recién recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Recién

This is the translation of the Tango “Recién” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Recién” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Recién

Hoy, recién, recién,
vuelvo otra vez a tu lado con mi vida
escondiendo los fracasos,
ocultando las heridas.
Y hoy al encontrar
la protección de tus manos tan serenas,
recién siento que me apena
saber que te hice mal.

Tenía menos años
y el corazón imprudente
por calles del engaño
rodó, rodó torpemente.
Me amabas, tanto y tanto,
que me cansó tu tristeza
y por no escuchar tu llanto
preferí no verte más.

Hoy, recién, recién,
miro las cosas sin sombras ni mentiras
y comprendo cuanto enseñan
las lecciones de la vida.
Hoy, al retornar,
pensé encontrar el reproche de tu olvido
y tan solo halle el castigo
de todo tu perdón.

English lyrics of the Tango "Recién"

Today, just now, just now,
I return once again to your side with my life
hiding the failures,
concealing the wounds.
And today, upon finding
the protection of your hands so serene,
just now I feel that it pains me
to know that I hurt you.

I was younger
with a reckless heart
on streets of deceit
I tumbled, tumbled clumsily.
You loved me, so much, so much,
that your sadness tired me
and to avoid hearing your crying
I preferred to see you no more.

Today, just now, just now,
I look at things without shadows or lies
and I understand how much
life’s lessons teach us.
Today, upon returning,
I thought to find the reproach of your forgetting
and I only found the punishment
of all your forgiveness.

Recién by Homero Manzi

Recién is a Tango written by Homero Manzi and composed by Osvaldo Pugliese.

Story Behind the Tango Recién

“Recién” translates to “Just Now” or “Recently” in English, bearing a reflection on recent or immediate past events with a poignant, introspective lens. The lyrics express the remorse and reconciliation of a person who has returned to the comforting, unchanged affection of a loved one after experiencing life’s trials and failures. The speaker acknowledges the hurt they caused in the past and contemplates the quiet understanding and forgiveness they are met with upon their return.

Symbolism of Recién

Homero Manzi infuses “Recién” with rich symbolism and language choices that amplify its emotional depth. The phrases “escondiendo los fracasos” (hiding the failures) and “ocultando las heridas” (hiding the wounds) symbolize the concealment of personal disappointments and emotional scars. “La protección de tus manos tan serenas” (the protection of your so serene hands) suggests a sanctuary found in the familiar and calm presence of the loved one. The return, portrayed with “Hoy, recién, recién, vuelvo otra vez a tu lado” (Today, just now, I return to your side), signifies a hope for redemption and a closure or continuation of a narrative burdened by past mistakes.

Recién in Historic Context

“Recién” was written and recorded during a period of political and social upheaval in Argentina. The year 1980 falls under the National Reorganization Process, a time of military dictatorship that marked the nation with instances of oppression and human rights abuses. This context may subtly reflect in the tone of regret and the search for forgiveness in the lyrics, mirroring a collective desire for peace and reconciliation in a personal and wider socio-political space.

Homero Manzi

Homero Manzi was a celebrated Argentine lyricist, best known for his deep, evocative tango lyrics that often reflect urban landscapes and human experiences within them.