Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Que nunca me falte

Que nunca me falte is a Tango written by Héctor Morales and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1951. The Tango Que nunca me falte is written by Héctor Morales, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Que nunca me falte with the singer Alberto Moran.
“Que nunca me falte” translates to “May I never lack” in English. This piece, with its fervent notes or poignant lyrics, echoes a deep yearning for the essentials that feed the soul—love, passion, and hope. It’s a melodic prayer, a reminder to cherish the vital sparks that illuminate our lives and keep despair at bay.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Alberto Moran


Héctor Marcó


Héctor Morales




Alberto Moran
Alberto Moran
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Que nunca me falte recorded by other Orchestras

Que nunca me falte recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Que nunca me falte

This is the translation of the Tango “Que nunca me falte” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Que nunca me falte” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Que nunca me falte

Cuántas veces he querido poner fin a mi tragedia,
cuántas veces he sentido tentaciones de matar.
Pa’ apartarme de esta vida, que es tan sólo una comedia,
donde soy un personaje destinado a fracasar.
Muchas veces, afiebrado, en mis horas de amargura
tanteé el alma, busqué el pecho, pa’ curarme de una vez.
Pero el roce de una mano, cariñosa y bienhechora,
vino a detener mi brazo y acariciarme después.

Que nunca me falte su tierna caricia,
mi vida precisa sentir su calor.
Que nunca me falte la luz de esos ojos
que aclaran mis noches de cruento dolor.
Que nunca me falte tu voz de consuelo,
¡oh madre querida!, tú alivias mi mal.
Porque te lo juro, si llega ese día,
no habrá quien detenga mi fiero puñal.
también con tus alas quisiera volar.

Noble cabecita blanca como pedazo de luna,
que iluminas mis tinieblas y apaciguas mi rencor,
no sabés cómo te quiero, vos sos toda mi fortuna
y mis horas son felices bajo el manto de tu amor.
De tu vida, madre mía, otras dos están pendientes
porque el día que te pierda a esa ingrata buscaré,
y el dolor que te han causado, tantas lágrimas hirientes
con la cuenta de su infamia sin piedad me cobraré.

English lyrics of the Tango "Que nunca me falte"

How many times I’ve wanted to end my tragedy,
how many times I’ve felt temptations to kill.
To remove myself from this life, which is just a comedy,
where I am a character destined to fail.
Many times, feverish, in my hours of bitterness
I touched my soul, sought my heart, to cure myself at once.
But the stroke of a hand, caring and beneficial,
came to stop my arm and then caress me.

May her tender caress never fail me,
my life needs to feel her warmth.
May the light of those eyes never fail me,
which clear my nights of cruel pain.
May your voice of comfort never fail me,
oh dear mother! you relieve my suffering.
Because I swear to you, if that day comes,
there won’t be anyone who can stop my fierce dagger.
I wish to fly with your wings too.

Noble little white head like a piece of the moon,
who illuminates my shadows and soothes my rancor,
you don’t know how much I love you, you are all my fortune
and my hours are happy under the mantle of your love.
From your life, dear mother, two others depend
because the day I lose you, I will seek that ungrateful one,
and the pain they have caused you, so many hurtful tears
I will mercilessly charge with the account of their infamy.

Que nunca me falte by Héctor Marcó

Que nunca me falte is a Tango written by Héctor Marcó and composed by Héctor Morales.

Story behind the Tango Que nunca me falte

The lyrics of “Que nunca me falte” unfold as a heart-wrenching narrative filled with distress and passion. The speaker contemplates deep despair, even touching upon thoughts of ending his own life due to the intolerable emotional pain. However, he is consistently brought back from the brink by the gentle and healing touch of his mother, whose presence represents a beacon of unconditional love and solace in his life. This tango portrays a person’s inner battle with profound anguish, and the saving grace found in maternal love.

Symbolism of Que nunca me falte

The title “Que nunca me falte” translates to “Never let me lack” in English, emphasizing the dependency on a mother’s love, seen as essential to the narrator’s survival. The recurring use of phrases like “la luz de esos ojos” (the light of those eyes) and “caricia” (caress) symbolize purity and life-saving grace, encapsulating hope and comfort amidst turmoil. Additionally, the imagery of a mother as “noble cabecita blanca,” akin to a piece of the moon, underscores her role as a guiding light in the narrator’s darkest hours, highlighting her central, irreplaceable status in his emotional cosmos.

Que nunca me falte in historic Context

The Tango “Que nunca me falte” was written and recorded in Argentina in 1951, a period marked by political upheaval and social changes. The strong emphasis on maternal influence and guidance can be seen as reflective of the seeking for stability and security during uncertain times. In a broader sense, this tango may invoke a sense of clinging to traditional values and intimate familial bonds amid the shifting societal landscapes of mid-20th-century Argentina.

Héctor Marcó

Héctor Marcó was an influential lyricist known for his deep, often emotionally charged tango lyrics that resonate broadly with the Argentine spirit and experience.