Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Qué me importa tu pasado

Qué me importa tu pasado is a Tango written by Manuel Sucher and recorded by Juan D’Arienzo in 1958. The Tango Qué me importa tu pasado is written by Manuel Sucher, Juan D’Arienzo has recorded Qué me importa tu pasado with the singer Mario Bustos.
“Qué me importa tu pasado” translates to “What do I care about your past” in English. The name suggests a declaration of love that transcends time, dismissing any concerns about what has come before. It captures the essence of a passionate embrace, where the present moment is all that truly matters, leaving the shadows of history behind.



Juan D'Arienzo


Mario Bustos


Roberto Giménez


Manuel Sucher




Mario Bustos
Mario Bustos
Juan D'Arienzo
Juan D’Arienzo

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Qué me importa tu pasado recorded by other Orchestras

Qué me importa tu pasado recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Qué me importa tu pasado

This is the translation of the Tango “Qué me importa tu pasado” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Qué me importa tu pasado” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Qué me importa tu pasado

Desde hace tiempo te noto triste,

ronda el silencio, llora el amor.

Como un reproche por lo que fuiste

grabado a fuego en tu corazón.

Ya muchas veces bajás la frente

cuando en mis brazos te refugias,

como temiendo que de repente,

tu pobre dicha no encuentres más.

Qué me importa tu pasado,

no llorés, mi buena amiga.

No es un crimen ser golpeado

ni es delito haber rodado

en las vueltas de la vida.

Qué me importa tu pasado,

si yo que nunca guapeé,

si te ofende algún cobarde,

te lo juro por mi madre,

me juego donde me ve.

No tengas miedo, soy de una pieza,

no me interesa lo que dirán.

Que nos importan las cosas viejas,

las viejas sombras que ya no están.

Tus ojos miran y están perdidos,

estás cansada de tanto andar.

Pero a mi lado siempre habrá un nido

y un pecho amigo donde llorar.

English lyrics of the Tango "Qué me importa tu pasado"

For a while, I’ve noticed you’re sad,

silence lingers, love weeps.

Like a reproach for what you were,

burned deep into your heart.

Often, you lower your eyes

when you seek refuge in my arms,

as if fearing that suddenly,

your meager happiness might vanish.

What do I care about your past,

don’t cry, my good friend.
It’s not a crime to be beaten

nor a sin to have fallen

through life’s twists.

What do I care about your past,

if I, who never postured tough,

should a coward offend you,

I swear by my mother,

I’ll stand up wherever I am.

Don’t be afraid, I am wholehearted,

I don’t care what others will say.
What do we care for old matters,

the old shadows that are gone?

Your eyes look and are lost,

you’re tired from so much wandering.

But by my side, there will always be a nest

and a friendly chest to cry on.

Qué me importa tu pasado by Roberto Giménez

Qué me importa tu pasado is a Tango written by Roberto Giménez and composed by Manuel Sucher.

Story behind the Tango Qué me importa tu pasado

The lyrics of “Qué me importa tu pasado” narrate a comforting assurance from one partner to another, where the speaker is expressing unconditional acceptance regardless of the partner’s past life and experiences. The speaker notices the sadness and the quiet mourning of a loved one, touched by past events but reassures this partner with steadfast emotional support, emphasizing the irrelevance of past misfortunes in the light of their current relationship. The essence revolves around profound empathy and unwavering solidarity.

Symbolism of Qué me importa tu pasado

The major theme encapsulated in this piece is the forgiveness and acceptance of a loved one’s past, signifying a move towards a non-judgmental stance in love. “Qué me importa tu pasado,” translating to “What do I care about your past,” clearly underlines this sentiment. Symbolism in the song centers around the contrasts drawn between the shadows of the past (“las viejas sombras”) and the protective haven found in the present relationship (“Pero a mi lado siempre habrá un nido”). Additionally, the emotional depth is amplified by the mention of a ‘chest to cry on,’ suggestive of comfort and a safe haven from past troubles.

Qué me importa tu pasado in historic Context

The Tango was recorded in 1958 in Argentina, a period marked by social and political upheaval. During these times, Tango often encapsulated themes of passion, nostalgia, and human resilience. Contextually, the reassurance offered in the lyrics might be reflective of a societal yearning for stability and acceptance amidst the turbulence. The piece not just relays a romantic assurance but also resonates with a broader appeal for embracing the worn and battered aspects of life and people, indicative of the overarching socio-political landscapes of the time.

Roberto Giménez

Roberto Giménez was an esteemed lyricist and playwright, renowned for his contributions to the Tango genre in Argentina. His work often explored themes of love, misfortune, and existential reflection, leaving a lasting impact on the cultural fabric of his time.