Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Por una muñeca

Por una muñeca is a Tango written by Emilio Balcarce and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1954. The Tango Por una muñeca is written by Emilio Balcarce, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Por una muñeca with the singer Miguel Montero.
The piece titled “Por una muñeca,” or “For a Doll,” dances like a whisper through the air. It captures the pursuit of something beautifully elusive, a symbol of fleeting desires wrapped in elegance and mystery. The melody, whether expressed through tango or song, weaves a story of longing, capturing the heart with its bittersweet grace.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Miguel Montero


Manuel Barros


Emilio Balcarce




Miguel Montero
Miguel Montero
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Por una muñeca recorded by other Orchestras

Por una muñeca recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Por una muñeca

This is the translation of the Tango “Por una muñeca” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Por una muñeca” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Por una muñeca


Su nombre: Trinidad

Su vida: Breve

Su historia: Una muñeca de color,

desnuda en un agosto que aún me llueve

como en la tarde gris del sinsabor.

Vestida de blanco, como una azucena,

después de las clases, volvía al hogar,

Trinidad… la niña más rubia

y más buena, más blanca y más pura

que he visto en mi andar.

Siete años tenía su reino en la tierra,

la tarde que un auto su cuerpo arrolló

cuando en sus manos blancas,

una muñeca negra, abandonada y triste,

del suelo recogió.

Mojó su sangre las piedras,

de la calleja fatal,

por una muñeca negra

que su amor quiso salvar.

Y aún me lastima su voz,

cuando agónica decía:

“¡No me la quiten que es mía!…

¡no me la lleven, por Dios!”

Llevaba en sus manos color azucena,

la triste muñeca de tinte carbón,

Trinidad… la niña más rubia

y más buena, princesa del verbo

más bello de amor.

Mil madres heridas por la misma pena,

sobre sus manitas pusieron cual flor,

la muñequita negra, de la mirada buena

que alguien abanonara, tal vez por su color.

English lyrics of the Tango "Por una muñeca"


Her name: Trinity

Her life: Brief

Her story: A doll of color,

naked in an August that still rains on me

like in the gray afternoon of disenchantment.

Dressed in white, like a lily,

after classes, she’d return home,

Trinity… the fairest and kindest girl,

the whitest and purest

I have ever come across.

Seven years her reign on earth,

the evening a car struck her down

as in her white hands,

a black doll, abandoned and sad,

she picked up from the ground.

Her blood stained the stones

of that fatal alley,

for a black doll

her love tried to save.
And still her voice pains me,

when in agony she said:

“Don’t take her; she is mine!…

Do not take her away, for God’s sake!”

In her lily-colored hands,

she held the sad coal-tinted doll,

Trinity… the fairest and kindest girl,

a princess of the most beautiful verb of love.

A thousand mothers wounded by the same sorrow,

placed over her little hands like a flower,

the little black doll with the kind gaze

that someone abandoned, perhaps because of her color.

Por una muñeca by Manuel Barros

Por una muñeca is a Tango written by Manuel Barros and composed by Emilio Balcarce.

Story behind the Tango Por una muñeca

The poignant narrative of “Por una muñeca” revolves around a tragic incident involving a young girl named Trinidad. The tango recounts the story of Trinidad, a pure and innocent child depicted vividly through her comparison to a lily – white, pure, and gentle. One fateful evening, her life is abruptly ended by a car accident while she picks up a discarded black doll from the street, an act that symbolizes her innocence and indiscriminate love. The lyrics poignantly portray this moment and her consequent plea not to be separated from the doll, highlighting a profound expression of attachment and love, even in the face of death.

Symbolism of Por una muñeca

“Por una muñeca” relies heavily on symbolic contrast and imagery to deepen the emotional impact of the narrative. The recurring reference to colors, notably white and black, serves as a metaphorical layer contrasting purity and societal rejection, innocence and neglect. Trinidad’s white hands and the “negra” doll she clings to amplify themes of innocence and acceptance amidst societal prejudices. This imagery juxtaposed with her tragic death underscores the poignant critique of societal values, underlined by her ultimate sacrifice – her life – for a doll someone likely discarded because of its color.

Por una muñeca in historical Context

Recorded in 1954 in Argentina, “Por una muñeca” emerged in a period marked by social and political upheavals. The lyrics reflect a societal commentary on issues like racial discrimination and child innocence, prevalent concerns during mid-20th-century Argentina. The song captures the essence of tango as a form expressing deeper societal stories, making personal tragedies a mirror for larger social critiques. The tale of Trinidad and her last act of love for a rejected doll resonates with the universal themes of love, loss, and societal neglect.

Manuel Barros

Manuel Barros is recognized for his poignant contributions to the tango genre, capturing deep emotional and societal insights through his lyrics.