Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Por la cuesta arriba

Por la cuesta arriba is a Tango written by Argentino Galván and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1945. The Tango Por la cuesta arriba is written by Argentino Galván, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Por la cuesta arriba with the singer Oscar Serpa.
“Por la cuesta arriba,” which translates to “Up the Hill,” evokes the journey of ascending life’s challenges with determination and grace. The music captures the struggle and triumph of climbing towards dreams that seem just out of reach. As each note rises, it reflects resilience, urging us to persevere despite the steep and winding path.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Oscar Serpa


Carlos Bahr


Argentino Galván




Oscar Serpa
Oscar Serpa
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Por la cuesta arriba recorded by other Orchestras

Por la cuesta arriba recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Por la cuesta arriba

This is the translation of the Tango “Por la cuesta arriba” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Por la cuesta arriba” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Por la cuesta arriba

Por la cuesta arriba,
De la lucha sin cuartel,
Todo lo sufrí, mucho soporté.
Supe de las manos que te esquivan
Por no dar,
Supe de las puertas que se cierran
Sin piedad.

Nada me importaba
Pues la magia de tu amor,
Supo compensar, tanto sinsabor,
Mas hoy que he perdido
Tu sostén y tu calor,
Se hace insoportable
Tanto horror.

Cuesta arriba,
De mi vida sin tu amparo.
Cuesta arriba,
Que también es cuesta abajo.
Dura suerte,
De arrastrar estas cadenas,
Y un pasado de miseria
Y un presente de dolor.
Cuesta arriba,
Con mi carga de zozobra,
Y esta vida que me sobra
Sin tu amor.

English lyrics of the Tango "Por la cuesta arriba"

Up the steep slope,
Of the relentless struggle,
I suffered everything, endured so much.
I knew of hands that dodge
To avoid giving,
Knew of doors that close
Without mercy.

Nothing mattered to me
For the magic of your love,
Knew how to compensate, so much bitterness,
But today that I have lost
Your support and your warmth,
It becomes unbearable,
Such horror.

In my life without your protection.
That is also downhill.
Hard luck,
Dragging these chains,
And a past of misery
And a present of pain.
With my load of distress,
And this life that is too much
Without your love.

Por la cuesta arriba by Carlos Bahr

Por la cuesta arriba is a Tango written by Carlos Bahr and composed by Argentino Galván.

Story behind the Tango Por la cuesta arriba

The lyrics of “Por la cuesta arriba” depict a poignant narrative of struggle and endurance, portraying a life filled with hardships that have been endured for the sake of love. The expression “Por la cuesta arriba,” which translates to “up the uphill slope,” metaphorically conveys the idea of going through challenging times. The song is a profound reflection on how love can provide solace and support amidst life’s battles, but also how devastating its loss can be. The narrator shares his experiences of being shunned and facing closed doors, yet notes that the love he had once made those bitter moments bearable.

Symbolism of Por la cuesta arriba

The symbolism in the lyrics is powerful and evocative. Phrases like “las manos que te esquivan” (the hands that avoid you) and “las puertas que se cierran sin piedad” (the doors that close without mercy) vividly symbolize rejection and a lack of compassion that the speaker has encountered in life. The uphill struggle mentioned in the lyrics not only signifies literal difficulty but also an emotional and spiritual ascent, made all the more arduous by the absence of a loved one. The stark contrast between this difficult journey and the strength derived from love emphasizes the integral role affection plays in providing relief from suffering.

Por la cuesta arriba in historic Context

Written in post-World War II Argentina, “Por la cuesta arriba” reflects a period of uncertainty and rebuilding. The year 1945 marks a time of significant political and social reshaping globally and in Argentina. This backdrop may have influenced Bahr’s portrayal of personal struggle aligned with wider societal challenges. The Tango, deeply embedded in Argentinian culture, serves as a medium to express both personal grief and broader communal struggles, making Bahr’s work resonate with many who faced their own uphill battles during such turbulent times.

Carlos Bahr

Carlos Bahr was an impactful lyricist in tango, known for his emotive and poignant compositions that are deeply rooted in Argentinian culture.