Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Por la cuesta arriba

Por la cuesta arriba is a Tango written by Argentino Galván and recorded by Miguel Caló in 1945. The Tango Por la cuesta arriba is written by Argentino Galván, Miguel Caló has recorded Por la cuesta arriba with the singer Raul Iriarte.
“Por la cuesta arriba,” or “Up the Slope,” captures the essence of a determined journey against the odds. This piece of music, whether a spirited Tango or a poignant instrumental, symbolizes the challenging ascents we face in life. It evokes the strength and resilience required to navigate life’s uphill battles, offering a melody of hope and perseverance.



Miguel Caló


Raul Iriarte


Carlos Bahr


Argentino Galván




Raul Iriarte
Raul Iriarte
Miguel Caló
Miguel Caló

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Por la cuesta arriba recorded by other Orchestras

Por la cuesta arriba recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Por la cuesta arriba

This is the translation of the Tango “Por la cuesta arriba” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Por la cuesta arriba” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Por la cuesta arriba

Por la cuesta arriba,

De la lucha sin cuartel,

Todo lo sufrí, mucho soporté.

Supe de las manos que te esquivan

Por no dar,

Supe de las puertas que se cierran

Sin piedad.

Nada me importaba

Pues la magia de tu amor,

Supo compensar, tanto sinsabor,

Mas hoy que he perdido

Tu sostén y tu calor,

Se hace insoportable

Tanto horror.

Cuesta arriba,

De mi vida sin tu amparo.

Cuesta arriba,

Que también es cuesta abajo.

Dura suerte,

De arrastrar estas cadenas,

Y un pasado de miseria

Y un presente de dolor.

Cuesta arriba,

Con mi carga de zozobra,

Y esta vida que me sobra

Sin tu amor.

English lyrics of the Tango "Por la cuesta arriba"

Up the steep slope,

Of the relentless fight,

I suffered everything, I endured much.

I knew of the hands that dodge you

For not giving,

I knew of the doors that close

Without mercy.

Nothing mattered to me

For the magic of your love,

Managed to compensate, so much bitterness,

But today that I’ve lost

Your support and your warmth,

The horror becomes unbearable.


Of my life without your protection.


Which is also downhill.

Tough luck,

Dragging these chains,

And a past of misery

And a present of pain.


With my load of anxiety,

And this life that remains

Without your love.

Por la cuesta arriba by Carlos Bahr

Por la cuesta arriba is a Tango written by Carlos Bahr and composed by Argentino Galván.

Story behind the Tango Por la cuesta arriba

“Por la cuesta arriba,” translating to “Up the slope” in English, illustrates a metaphorical uphill battle endured by the narrator. The lyrics vividly narrate the struggle of overcoming life’s challenges without sparing details on the pain and isolation experienced. The primary theme revolves around the resilience and tenacity required to endure life’s hardships, particularly illuminated by the loss of a significant love. The emotional spectrum spans from deep despair to a nostalgic appreciation for past love, framing the narrator’s journey as one marked by both physical and emotional ascent and descent.

Symbolism of Por la cuesta arriba

Carlos Bahr employs several symbolic elements to enhance the emotional depth of the song. The repeated phrase “cuesta arriba” (uphill) symbolizes both the daily struggles and the emotional challenge of moving forward under the weight of loneliness and abandonment. “Cadenas” (chains) symbolically represent the burdens or the tethering to a painful past that the narrator finds difficult to escape. These chains are coupled with vivid imagery of closed doors and withdrawn hands—symbolizing rejected help and closed opportunities, intensifying the feeling of a solitary struggle.

Por la cuesta arriba in historic Context

“Por la cuesta arriba” was recorded on June 5, 1945. This date falls shortly after the end of World War II, a period marked by widespread societal upheaval and the beginning of recovery from immense global trauma. The stark depiction of struggle and resilience in the lyrics might echo the broader existential and economic struggles prevalent at the time in Argentina and worldwide. The tango, a genre deeply intertwined with expressions of loss, longing, and survival, serves as a poignant medium for reflecting the mood of an era similarly characterized by recovery from hardship.

Carlos Bahr

Carlos Bahr was an influential figure in the Tango scene, known for his deeply emotive and reflective lyrics which often explored themes of love, pain, and resilience.