Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ


Pasional is a Tango written by Jorge Caldara and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1951. The Tango Pasional is written by Jorge Caldara, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Pasional with the singer Alberto Moran.
“Pasional,” meaning “Passionate,” resonates deeply with every note. The soulful melody captures the intensity of emotions that ignite within us, weaving a tapestry of longing and desire. This piece transports the listener to a realm where heartbeats quicken and every movement is imbued with fervor and uncontainable ardor.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Alberto Moran


Mario Soto


Jorge Caldara




Alberto Moran
Alberto Moran
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Pasional recorded by other Orchestras

Pasional recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Pasional

This is the translation of the Tango “Pasional” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Pasional” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Pasional

No sabrás… nunca sabrás
lo que es morir mil veces de ansiedad.
No podrás… nunca entender
lo que es amar y enloquecer.
Tus labios que queman… tus besos que embriagan
y que torturan mi razón.
Sed… que me hace arder
y que me enciende el pecho de pasión.

Estás clavada en mí… te siento en el latir
abrasador de mis sienes.
Te adoro cuando estás… y te amo mucho más
cuando estás lejos de mí.

Así te quiero dulce vida de mi vida.
Así te siento… solo mía… siempre mía.

Tengo miedo de perderte…
de pensar que no he de verte.
¿Por qué esa duda brutal?
¿Por qué me habré de sangrar
si en cada beso te siento desmayar?
Sin embargo me atormento
porque en la sangre te llevo.
Y en cada instante… febril y amante
quiero tus labios besar.

¿Qué tendrás en tu mirar
que cuando a mí tus ojos levantás
siento arder en mi interior
una voraz llama de amor?
Tus manos desatan… caricias que me atan
a tus encantos de mujer.
Sé que nunca más
podré arrancar del pecho este querer.

Te quiero siempre así… estás clavada en mí
como una daga en la carne.
Y ardiente y pasional… temblando de ansiedad
quiero en tus brazos morir.

English lyrics of the Tango "Pasional"

You won’t know… you’ll never know
what it is to die a thousand times from anxiety.
You won’t… you’ll never understand
what it is to love and to go mad.
Your lips that burn… your kisses that intoxicate
and that torture my reason.
Thirst… that makes me burn
and that ignites the chest with passion.

You are stuck in me… I feel you in the scorching beat
of my temples.
I adore you when you’re here… and I love you even more
when you’re far from me.

Thus, I love you, sweet life of my life.
Thus, I feel you… only mine… always mine.

I’m afraid of losing you…
of thinking that I might not see you.
Why this brutal doubt?
Why should I bleed
if in each kiss I feel you faint?
Yet I torment myself
because I carry you in my blood.
And at every moment… feverish and loving
I want to kiss your lips.

What is it in your gaze
that when you lift your eyes to mine
I feel a voracious flame of love inside?
Your hands unleash… caresses that bind me
to your womanly charms.
I know I’ll never be able
to tear this love from my chest.

I love you always like this… you’re stuck in me
like a dagger in the flesh.
And ardent and passionate… trembling with anxiety
I want to die in your arms.

Pasional by Mario Soto

Pasional is a Tango written by Mario Soto and composed by Jorge Caldara.

Story behind the Tango Pasional

“Pasional” circles profound expressions of love and yearning, capturing the essence of an overwhelming, passionate affair. Its lyrics highlight an intense connection with a loved one, characterized by an urgent, almost unbearable longing. The speaker describes a tormenting yet invigorating experience of loving deeply. This overwhelming feeling is underscored by phrases like “you are nailed in me” and “I feel you in the burning beat of my temples,” suggesting love so deep it’s almost painful.

Symbolism of Pasional

The language of “Pasional” is replete with powerful symbolism that intensifies the emotional landscape of the lyrics. The use of phrases such as “dying a thousand times of anxiety” and “your eyes that set aflame a voracious flame of love within me” harnesses the fervor and consuming nature of passionate love. This tango depicts love not just as a sweet sentiment but as an all-encompassing force that can evoke both ecstasy and agony. The symbolic “dagger in the flesh” vividly portrays love’s sharp, penetrating impact, embedding itself deeply within one’s being.

Pasional in historic Context

Written and recorded in Argentina in 1951, “Pasional” resonates against the backdrop of post-World War II sentiment and the rich Tango culture flourishing during that era. This period witnessed intense emotional expression through music, as people sought to find solace and meaning in art amidst economic and political upheaval. In this context, “Pasional” emerges as a poignant departure from despair, harnessing the Tango’s characteristic melancholy to instead plunge deep into personal passion and romantic obsession, revealing the complex interplay of love and suffering, typical of the Argentine Tango ethos.

Mario Soto

Mario Soto was a profound lyricist whose work primarily revolves around themes of love, longing, and human emotions.