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No vale la pena

No vale la pena is a Tango written by Antonio Helú and recorded by Miguel Caló in 1934. The Tango No vale la pena is written by Antonio Helú, Miguel Caló has recorded No vale la pena with the singer Carlos Dante.
“No vale la pena,” which translates to “It’s not worth it,” captures the essence of fleeting regrets and wistful reflections. The music, like a delicate tango, dances through the shadows of choices not taken, whispering the bittersweet understanding that some things are better left to the past. It is a melancholic reminder to embrace what truly matters.



Miguel Caló


Carlos Dante


Antonio Helú


Antonio Helú




Carlos Dante
Carlos Dante
Miguel Caló
Miguel Caló

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Lyrics Translation of the Tango No vale la pena

This is the translation of the Tango “No vale la pena” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “No vale la pena” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango No vale la pena

Yo soy el culpable de ser desdichado
Si tuve a mi lado, la felicidad,
Mas por mis andanzas de vida alocada
No me queda nada que fatalidad.
Un alma del cielo, por Dios bendecida
Llegó hasta mi vida volcando su amor,
Y yo, malogrando su sueño dorado
En su alma he clavado, la cruz del dolor.

Mas hoy pasó, pobrecita
Como una sombra doliente,
Llevando sobre su frente
La huella de su rodar.
Quedé en suspenso mirando
Aquella gloria perdida,
Quise arrojarme a sus pies
Para pedirle perdón y sólo pude llorar.

Yo quise ayudarla, tendiendo mi mano
Mas todo fue en vano, no quiso aceptar,
Fingiendo ser fuerte, me dijo serena
No vale la pena volver a empezar.
Siguió se camino, silenciosamente
Dejando en mi mente el repiquetear,
De aquellas palabras que son mi condena:
“No vale la pena, volver a empezar”.

English lyrics of the Tango "No vale la pena"

I’m to blame for being unhappy,
If I had happiness by my side,
But due to my wild way of life,
I’m left with nothing, what a fate.
A heavenly soul, blessed by God,
Entered my life pouring out her love,
And I, thwarting her golden dream,
Have nailed the cross of pain into her soul.

But today she passed by, poor thing,
Like a suffering shadow,
Carrying on her forehead
The mark of her struggles.
I stood there, stunned,
Watching that lost glory,
I wanted to throw myself at her feet
To ask for forgiveness but could only cry.

I wanted to help her, extending my hand,
But it was all in vain, she would not accept,
Pretending to be strong, she serenely told me,
“It’s not worth starting over.”
She continued on her way, silently,
Leaving in my mind the echoing,
Of those words that are my sentence:
“It’s not worth, starting over again.”

No vale la pena by Antonio Helú

No vale la pena is a Tango written by Antonio Helú and composed by Antonio Helú.

Story behind the Tango No vale la pena

The song “No vale la pena,” meaning “It’s not worth it” in English, narrates the remorse and realizations of a man reflecting on his failed relationship. The protagonist admits he is responsible for his unhappiness, having had happiness within his reach but squandering it through reckless living. The lyrics poignantly detail his reflection on a soul “blessed by God” who brought love into his life, which he carelessly destroyed, embedding “the cross of pain” into her soul. As his former lover passes by, resembling a sorrowful shadow, he feels the urge to apologize and seek forgiveness, but finds himself overwhelmed with tears, unable to express his regret effectively.

Symbolism of No vale la pena

The symbolism in “No vale la pena” is rich and poignant, effectively conveying complex emotions. Describing the lost lover as a soul “blessed by God” elevates her purity and the magnitude of the narrator’s loss. The “cross of pain” symbolizes the deep and enduring emotional scar inflicted upon her. The imagery of his lover passing by “like a sorrowful shadow” reflects her transformed, diminished state due to heartbreak, further evoking a sense of loss and regret in the narrative. The repetition of the words “No vale la pena, volver a empezar” (It’s not worth it, to start again) echoes the futility and resignation felt by both parties.

No vale la pena in historic Context

Recorded in 1934 in Argentina, “No vale la pena” emerged during a period when Tango was a powerful medium for expressing the intimate and often melancholic experiences of its people. The early 1930s in Argentina were marked by political and economic challenges, which might have deepened the sensitivity towards themes of loss, despair, and romantic tragedy in tango music. This historical backdrop could have enhanced the song’s resonance with its audience, tapping into the collective emotional and social currents of the time.

Antonio Helú

Antonio Helú was a prominent tango lyricist and composer, known for his contributions to the Argentine musical landscape. His works usually carry deep emotional themes, reflecting the complexities of love and loss.