Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

No te olvides de mi corazón

No te olvides de mi corazón is a Vals written by Don Fabián and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1945. The Vals No te olvides de mi corazón is written by Don Fabián, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded No te olvides de mi corazón with the singer Oscar Serpa.
“No te olvides de mi corazón” means “Don’t forget my heart.” This tango, with its haunting melody or passionate lyrics, captures the essence of longing and the deep desire to be remembered by a beloved. Each note or word weaves a tale of love and vulnerability, urging the listener not to let their memory fade away.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Oscar Serpa


Don Fabián


Don Fabián




Oscar Serpa
Oscar Serpa
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

No te olvides de mi corazón recorded by other Orchestras

No te olvides de mi corazón recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Vals No te olvides de mi corazón

This is the translation of the Vals “No te olvides de mi corazón” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Vals “No te olvides de mi corazón” have been done with AI.

Letra del Vals No te olvides de mi corazón

Me miró cuando se marchó,
Y en un beso pleno de amor
Me dejó el corazón.

Como nunca jamás amé,
Más no pudo ser para mí
Y muy lejos se fue.

No te olvides de mi corazón
Quiéreme siempre,
No te olvides si nunca jamás
Vuelva yo a verte.
En la ausencia será mi pasión
Siempre más fuerte,
No te olvides de mi corazón
Quiéreme siempre.

Tan triste.
Me besó cuando se alejó,
Que ya nada calmó el dolor
Que tu ausencia me dio.

El tiempo
Que ya nunca me olvidaré,
De aquel imposible amor
Que tan lejos se fue.

English lyrics of the Vals "No te olvides de mi corazón"

She looked at me as she left,
And in a kiss full of love,
She left my heart behind.

As I never loved before,
But it could not be for me,
And she went far away.

Do not forget my heart,
Love me always,
Do not forget if you never
See me again.
In absence, my passion
Will always be stronger,
Do not forget my heart,
Love me always.

So sad.
She kissed me as she departed,
And nothing eased the pain
That your absence brought me.

The time
I will never forget,
That impossible love
That went so far away.

No te olvides de mi corazón by Don Fabián

No te olvides de mi corazón is a Tango written by Don Fabián and composed by Don Fabián.

Story behind the Tango No te olvides de mi corazón

The lyrics of “No te olvides de mi corazón” narrate the poignant farewell between lovers, marked by tears and a final kiss imbued with love. The protagonist pleads for remembrance and everlasting affection despite the physical separation that ensues. The song encapsulates the deep emotional turmoil experienced during such partings, enhancing its narrative with the profound sadness and unfulfilled desires that often accompany distanced loved ones.

Symbolism of No te olvides de mi corazón

In “No te olvides de mi corazón,” the heart serves as a powerful symbol of love and memory. Phrases like “Me dejó el corazón” (She left me her heart) and “No te olvides de mi corazón” (Do not forget my heart) suggest that while the lover departs physically, the emotional and spiritual connections remain steadfastly behind. This symbolism is amplified by the recurring requests for remembrance and unchanging love, which might imply a hope for future reunions or at least the preservation of their affection despite the distances.

No te olvides de mi corazón in historic Context

Recorded in Argentina in 1945, “No te olvides de mi corazón” was composed during a time fraught with global turmoil following World War II. This historic backdrop could resonate with the themes of separation and longing for a return to peace and normalcy, as expressed through the personal lens of a romantic relationship. The mid-20th century was a period when many individuals experienced displacement or separation from loved ones, and such a song could resonate deeply with contemporary audiences of the time.

Don Fabián

Don Fabián is a Tango musician known for both composing and writing “No te olvides de mi corazón.” His works are often filled with deep emotional currents and reflect significant aspects of human relationships.