Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Navidad (2)

Navidad (2) is a Vals written by Osvaldo Pugliese and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1966. The Vals Navidad (2) is written by Osvaldo Pugliese, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Navidad (2) with the singer Jorge Maciel.
The name “Navidad (2)” translates to “Christmas (2)” in English. This piece captures the essence of Christmas with a second, deeper reflection — a journey through nostalgia and warmth, where traditions dance softly in the embrace of winter’s chill. Each note paints a vivid scene of festive gatherings, evoking the timeless joy and gentle longing of the holiday season.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Jorge Maciel


Eduardo Moreno


Osvaldo Pugliese




Jorge Maciel
Jorge Maciel
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Lyrics Translation of the Vals Navidad (2)

This is the translation of the Vals “Navidad (2)” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Vals “Navidad (2)” have been done with AI.

Letra del Vals Navidad (2)

Navidad, en la casa de mis padres
canción de Nochebuena
y escuchando en el patio con malvones
el cuento aquel de la abuela.
Una dulce esperanza en Año Nuevo
reinaba en nuestra casa
y en redor de la mesa tan humilde
estaba de fiesta el alma.

Cuánta felicidad,
con el amor de mis padres,
vendrán muchas Navidades,
pero aquella ya no vuelve más.
En el pasado están
las dulces horas alegres
que recordarán mis hijos
mañana cuando ellos canten en su hogar.

Llegó la Navidad al humilde rancho
y trajo la emoción de viejos días,
de cuando mamá buena les cantaba
y se vivían horas de alegría.
El chango eleva siempre su cabeza
buscando el tata ausente en una estrella.

Si no tuve juguetes que alegraran
los días de la infancia,
mis tristezas tuvieron las caricias
de aquellas lindas mañanas.
Cuando el diario bregar por el sustento
hirió mis tiernas manos
en el rudo trabajo mi esperanza
volcaba su dulce canto.

English lyrics of the Vals "Navidad (2)"

Christmas, at my parents’ house
a song on Christmas Eve
and listening in the yard with geraniums
to grandma’s old story.
A sweet hope on New Year’s
reigned in our home
and around such a humble table
the soul was celebrating.

So much happiness,
with the love of my parents,
many Christmases will come,
but that one will never return.
In the past are
the sweet joyful hours
that my children will remember
tomorrow when they sing in their home.

Christmas arrived at the humble ranch
bringing the emotion of old days,
when good mama would sing to them
and they lived moments of joy.
The boy always lifts his head
searching for the absent father in a star.

If I didn’t have toys to brighten
the days of my childhood,
my sorrows had the caresses
of those beautiful mornings.
When the daily struggle for sustenance
hurt my tender hands
in the harsh work, my hope
poured out its sweet song.

Navidad (2) by Eduardo Moreno

Navidad (2) is a Tango written by Eduardo Moreno and composed by Osvaldo Pugliese.

Story behind the Tango Navidad (2)

The lyrics of “Navidad (2)” evoke a profound sense of nostalgia and longing for the simplicity and warmth of past Christmas celebrations in the family home. The song begins by setting a scene of familial harmony and tradition, with the family gathered at a humble table, surrounded by the spirit of the season. The recollections of singing and storytelling that enhanced the magical ambiance of the evening are fondly remembered. This tango captures the essence of cherished memories, portraying them as a contrast to present experiences.

Symbolism of Navidad (2)

Throughout the tango, symbolic imagery is utilized to deepen the emotional resonance. The “casa de mis padres” and “el cuento aquel de la abuela” symbolize the safe and nurturing environment of the family, and treasured traditional values passed down through generations. The “humilde rancho” represents not just physical simplicity but also the purity and authenticity of emotions experienced in such settings. The imagery of children later singing the same songs in their homes denotes the cyclical nature of traditions and the transfer of cultural values.

Navidad (2) in Historic Context

The tango reflects the social and cultural climate of Argentina in the mid-1960s, a period marked by significant political and social change. The nostalgic undertone may suggest a yearning for stability and continuity amidst the evolving landscape. The humble settings and references to manual labor underscore the economic conditions of the time, possibly implying that despite financial hardships, the richness of family unity and traditions provided profound solace and joy.

Eduardo Moreno

Eduardo Moreno, an Argentine tango lyricist, is renowned for his poignant and evocative lyrics that often delve into themes of nostalgia, family, and social elements.