Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Milonga que peina canas

Milonga que peina canas is a Milonga written by Alberto Gómez and recorded by Miguel Caló in 1942. The Milonga Milonga que peina canas is written by Alberto Gómez, Miguel Caló has recorded Milonga que peina canas with the singer Raúl Berón.
“Milonga que peina canas,” or “Milonga that Combs Grey Hair,” evokes the passage of time and the wisdom gained through life’s journey. The name suggests a dance of reflection, where each step combs through memories and experiences that have colored the hair silver. It is a melancholic yet graceful piece, weaving the stories and emotions of a lifetime into a melodic embrace.



Miguel Caló


Raúl Berón


Alberto Gómez


Alberto Gómez




Raúl Berón
Raúl Berón
Miguel Caló
Miguel Caló

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Milonga que peina canas recorded by other Orchestras

Milonga que peina canas recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Milonga Milonga que peina canas

This is the translation of the Milonga “Milonga que peina canas” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Milonga “Milonga que peina canas” have been done with AI.

Letra del Milonga Milonga que peina canas

Allá en el tiempo del jopo,

peinao al agua florida,

cuando era linda la vida

y era mi escuela un stud,

nació mi amor por los pingos

con Stiletto y Surplice

y ese amor echó raíces

al llegar mi juventud.

Las chaquetillas famosas

dejaron en mis oídos

frufrú de tiempos queridos

que ya no pueden volver;

y hoy que tengo la cabeza

cubierta por tanta nieve,

con los hijos de Congreve

vuelvo a rejuvenecer.

Milonga que peina canas

y llora por San Martín,

Amianto, Niobe, Porteño,

Cordón Rouge y ‘Pipermint.

Milonga que peina canas

y ablanda mi corazón

como Old Man y Botafogo,

Rico, Lombardo y Macón.

Yo vivo con los recuerdos

de Floreal y Melgarejo,

Mouchette, Omega, Bermejo,

Mineral, Cocles o Ix

y cuando llegue la hora

de dar el último abrazo,

me iré pensando en Payaso

para morirme feliz.

Milonga que peina canas

y está llorando de pena

por Argentino Gigena

se fue sin decirle adiós;

nosotros también, milonga,

pensando en tiempos remotos,

con muchos boletos rotos,

tendremos que ver si hay Dios.

English lyrics of the Milonga "Milonga que peina canas"

Back in the days of pompadours,

styled with scented water,

when life was beautiful

and my school was a stud farm,

my love for racehorses was born

with Stiletto and Surplice,

and that love took root

as my youth arrived.

The famous silks

left in my ears

the rustle of cherished times

that can no longer return;

and now that my head is

covered with so much snow,

with the offspring of Congreve,

I become young again.

Milonga that greys

and cries over San Martín,

Amianto, Niobe, Porteño,

Cordón Rouge and ‘Pipermint.’

Milonga that greys

and softens my heart

like Old Man and Botafogo,

Rico, Lombardo, and Macon.

I live with the memories

of Floreal and Melgarejo,

Mouchette, Omega, Bermejo,

Mineral, Cocles or Ix,

and when the time comes

to give the final hug,

I’ll go thinking of Payaso

to die happy.

Milonga that greys

and is crying in sorrow

for Argentino Gigena

left without saying goodbye;

we, too, milonga,

thinking of ancient times,

with many torn tickets,

will have to see if there’s a god.

Milonga que peina canas by Alberto Gómez

Milonga que peina canas is a Tango written and composed by Alberto Gómez.

Story behind the Tango Milonga que peina canas

The title “Milonga que peina canas,” translated to English as “Milonga that combs gray hair,” is itself a reflection on aging, nostalgia, and the passage of time. In this tango, Gómez revisits the cherished moments of his youth, highlighting his enduring passion for horse racing. The lyrics nostalgically recall the crowds, the excitement, and the names of notable horses, evoking a deep sense of longing for times past that can never be reclaimed.

Symbolism of Milonga que peina canas

Throughout the song, symbolic language enhances emotional depth. Phrases like “cuando era linda la vida” (when life was beautiful) and “cubierta por tanta nieve” (covered by so much snow) reference youth and age metaphorically, with “snow” suggesting the white hair of old age. Specific horse names like “Old Man” and “Payaso” not only stir personal memories for the singer but also suggest qualities of endurance and joy. The recurring chorus, which lists the names of horses mingled with expressions of longing and affection, deepens the theme of reminiscence.

Milonga que peina canas in historic Context

Recorded in 1942 Argentina, this tango emerges during a vibrant but complex era marked by political shifts and the burgeoning nationalistic spirit of the decade. These were the years leading up to Juan Domingo Perón’s rise to power, reflecting a period of significant change and identity formation in Argentina. “Milonga que peina canas” subtly invokes a simpler, perhaps idealized past, contrasting with contemporary complexities while celebrating the uniquely Argentinian tradition of horse racing and tango culture.

Alberto Gómez

Alberto Gómez was a prominent Argentine tango singer and composer whose works greatly contributed to the genre’s golden age.