Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Llevátelo todo

Llevátelo todo is a Tango written by Rodolfo Sciammarella and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1950. The Tango Llevátelo todo is written by Rodolfo Sciammarella, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Llevátelo todo with the singer Alberto Moran.
“Llevátelo todo,” or “Take it All,” whispers the essence of a fiery tango into our hearts. This piece embodies the intense yearning to seize every moment, to dance with desire and let nothing remain. It beckons us to embrace life’s passion fully, leaving behind the shadows of hesitation as the music carries us away.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Alberto Moran


Rodolfo Sciammarella


Rodolfo Sciammarella




Alberto Moran
Alberto Moran
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Llevátelo todo recorded by other Orchestras

Llevátelo todo recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Llevátelo todo

This is the translation of the Tango “Llevátelo todo” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Llevátelo todo” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Llevátelo todo

Vení, hermano, debo hablarte
que en mi pecho hay mucha bronca
y una pena que hace rato
que no puedo desahogar.
Vení, hermano, no te asombres,
yo te vi la noche aquella
que chamuyabas con ella,
muy bajito, no sé qué.

Porque yo la quiero mucho…
Vos sabés cómo la quiero…
Que no sé cómo resisto
a la horrible tentación
de ahogarla entre mis brazos,
de partirte a vos el pecho…
Pero no… Vos sos derecho,
tan derecho como yo…

Cumplí con tu deber,
que es triste, muy triste,
pelear entre hermanos
un mismo querer.
Llevátelo todo,
mis pilchas, mi vento,
pero a ella dejála
porque es mi mujer…

Si te deschavan tus ojos,
tu voz que está emocionada;
si comprendo claramente
que vos mucho la querés.
mas te ruego que seas hombre,
que luchés con entereza
y respetés con nobleza
la amistad que te brindé.

Yo que siempre te he confiado
todo cuanto había en mi vida,
los secretos más sagrados
que un hombre puede confiar.
Vos también me has confesado
todo tu triste pasado…
¡Si nunca te he traicionado,
no me debes traicionar!

English lyrics of the Tango "Llevátelo todo"

Come, brother, I need to talk to you,
in my chest there’s a lot of anger,
and a sorrow that for a long time
I haven’t been able to relieve.
Come, brother, don’t be surprised,
I saw you that night
talking to her,
whispering, I don’t know what.

Because I love her so much…
You know how much I love her…
I don’t know how I resist
the horrible temptation
to suffocate her in my arms,
to tear open your chest…
But no… You are honorable,
as honorable as I am…

Fulfill your duty,
which is sad, very sad,
to fight among brothers
for the same love.
Take everything,
my clothes, my money,
but leave her
because she is my wife…

If your eyes give you away,
your voice that is moved;
if I clearly understand
that you love her deeply.
but I beg you to be a man,
fight with integrity
and respect with nobility
the friendship I offered you.

I who have always trusted you
with everything in my life,
the most sacred secrets
a man can confide.
You also confessed to me
all your sad past…
If I have never betrayed you,
you should not betray me!

Llevátelo todo by Rodolfo Sciammarella

Llevátelo todo is a Tango written by Rodolfo Sciammarella and composed by Rodolfo Sciammarella.

Story behind the Tango Llevátelo todo

“Llevátelo todo” translates to “Take it all” in English, reflecting the poignant, sacrificial nature of the lyrics. The song tells a story of brotherly confrontation, trust, and betrayal entwined with love for the same woman. The speaker addresses his brother, revealing his pain and anger upon discovering their shared affection for the same woman. Despite the intense emotions, there is an underlying call for honor and respect in maintaining their relationship, highlighting the conflict between love and loyalty.

Symbolism of Llevátelo todo

The Tango uses potent symbolism and language that accentuates the themes of love, betrayal, and brotherhood. Terms like “bronca” (anger) and phrases like “ahogarla entre mis brazos” (drown her in my arms) vividly express the emotional turmoil faced by the speaker. The emotional plea, “pero a ella dejála porque es mi mujer” (but leave her because she is my woman), symbolizes a desperate attempt to retain something sacred amidst the chaos. The use of familial terms like “hermano” (brother) underscores the depth of the betrayal, enhancing the emotional weight of the conflict.

Llevátelo todo in historic Context

Recorded in 1950s Argentina, a period marked by political and social upheaval, “Llevátelo todo” might also mirror the broader societal conflicts of the time. The appeal to brotherhood and loyalty amidst personal turmoil could parallel public calls for unity and integrity against a backdrop of discord and distrust. The historical context adds a layer of richness to the narrative, suggesting that personal betrayals mirror larger societal betrayals.

Rodolfo Sciammarella

Rodolfo Sciammarella was an influential figure in the Tango music scene, renowned for his deep lyrical compositions that often explored themes of love, betrayal, and social issues.