Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

La morocha

La morocha is a Tango written by Enrique Saborido and recorded by Juan D’Arienzo in 1949. Juan D’Arienzo has recorded La morocha as an instrumental Tango.
“La Morocha,” which translates to “The Brunette” in English, dances through the air with a captivating allure. She embodies a blend of mystery and charm, the essence of a spirited and passionate soul. As the music unfolds, the rhythm captures the heart, weaving a tale of desire and intrigue that resonates deeply within.



Juan D'Arienzo




Angel Villoldo


Enrique Saborido




Juan D'Arienzo
Juan D’Arienzo

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

La morocha recorded by other Orchestras

La morocha recorded by other Orchestras

Letra del Tango La morocha

Yo soy la morocha,
la más agraciada,
la más renombrada
de esta población.
Soy la que al paisano
muy de madrugada
brinda un cimarrón.

Yo, con dulce acento,
junto a mi ranchito,
canto un estilito
con tierna pasión,
mientras que mi dueño
sale al trotecito
en su redomón.

Soy la morocha argentina,
la que no siente pesares
y alegre pasa la vida
con sus cantares.
Soy la gentil compañera
del noble gaucho porteño,
la que conserva el cariño
para su dueño.

Yo soy la morocha
de mirar ardiente,
la que en su alma siente
el fuego de amor.
Soy la que al criollito
más noble y valiente
ama con ardor.

En mi amado rancho,
bajo la enramada,
en noche plateada,
con dulce emoción,
le canto al pampero,
a mi patria amada
y a mi fiel amor.

Soy la morocha argentina,
la que no siente pesares
y alegre pasa la vida
con sus cantares.
Soy la gentil compañera
del noble gaucho porteño,
la que conserva el cariño
para su dueño.

English lyrics of the Tango "La morocha"

I am the brunette,
the most graceful,
the most renowned
in this town.
I’m the one who to the countryman
very early in the morning
offers a strong coffee.

I, with sweet accent,
next to my little ranch,
sing a little style
with tender passion,
while my owner
leaves at a gentle trot
on his bay horse.

I’m the Argentine brunette,
the one who feels no sorrows
and cheerful goes through life
with her songs.
I am the gentle companion
of the noble gaucho from Buenos Aires,
the one who keeps her affection
for her owner.

I am the brunette
with a burning gaze,
the one who in her soul feels
the fire of love.
I’m the one who loves
the most noble and brave country boy
with passion.

In my beloved ranch,
under the foliage,
on a moonlit night,
with sweet emotion,
I sing to the pampero,
to my beloved homeland
and to my true love.

I’m the Argentine brunette,
the one who feels no sorrows
and cheerful goes through life
with her songs.
I am the gentle companion
of the noble gaucho from Buenos Aires,
the one who keeps her affection
for her owner.

La morocha by Angel Villoldo

La morocha is a Tango written by Angel Villoldo and composed by Enrique Saborido.

Story behind the Tango La morocha

“La morocha” tells the story of a proud and vibrant Argentine woman, known in the song as “La morocha,” who embodies the spirit and heart of her homeland. The lyrics explore her self-assurance, her passionate soul, and her profound connection to the traditional gaucho lifestyle. She identifies herself by her role in her community and her relationships, boasting her allure and the fervor with which she loves.

Symbolism of La morocha

In the song, “La morocha” symbolizes the archetypal Argentinean woman, characterized by her dark hair and spirited nature. Phrases such as “Yo soy la morocha, la más agraciada” depict her not only as physically appealing but also as fortunate and esteemed. The recurring theme of her singing “con tierna pasión” and her representation as the companion and confidant to the “noble gaucho porteño” reinforces her role as a central figure in the cultural and emotional fabric of her community.

La morocha in historic Context

The development of “La morocha” in 1949 places it in a period of Argentine history rich with national pride and cultural identity formation. The post-World War II era marked a time when national identities were being celebrated and solidified. Angel Villoldo’s portrayal of “La morocha” as a beacon of Argentine virtues and a central figure in the idealized gaucho culture touches on themes of national pride and cultural heritage. This positioning showcases how Tango music often mirrors social sentiments and contributes to the cultural dialog of its time.

Angel Villoldo

Angel Villoldo was a prominent Argentine musician and one of the pioneers of the Tango genre. His contributions are key in the evolution of Tango music and culture.