Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

La luz de un fosforo

La luz de un fosforo is a Tango written by Alberto Suárez Villanueva and recorded by Aníbal Troilo in 1943. The Tango La luz de un fosforo is written by Alberto Suárez Villanueva, Aníbal Troilo has recorded La luz de un fosforo with the singer Alberto Marino.
“La luz de un fósforo,” translated as “The Light of a Match,” evokes the fleeting brilliance of a momentary spark in the darkness. With its brief yet intense glow, the piece captures the essence of transient beauty and passion, a metaphor for life’s ephemeral joys. In this music, each note flickers like a match, illuminating the soul.



Aníbal Troilo


Alberto Marino


Enrique Cadicamo


Alberto Suárez Villanueva




Alberto Marino
Alberto Marino
Aníbal Troilo
Aníbal Troilo

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La luz de un fosforo recorded by other Orchestras

La luz de un fosforo recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango La luz de un fosforo

This is the translation of the Tango “La luz de un fosforo” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “La luz de un fosforo” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango La luz de un fosforo

Nos encontramos, tú y yo,
y a conversar
nos detuvimos.
Un algo raro tenías
cuando callabas,
cuando reías…
La esgrima sentimental
al fin surgió
la tarde aquella.
Después… ¡qué poco quedó!
El viento todo lo llevó…

La luz de un fósforo fue
nuestro amor pasajero.
Duró tan poco… lo sé…
como el fulgor
que da un lucero…
La luz de un fósforo fue,
nada más,
nuestro idilio.
Otra ilusión que se va
del corazón
y que no vuelve más.

En todo, siempre el color
es del cristal
con que se mira.
De rosa, yo te veía,
cuando callabas,
cuando reías.
Después, con otro cristal,
cambió el color
y ya no eras…
La vida es toda ilusión
y un prisma es el corazón.

English lyrics of the Tango "La luz de un fosforo"

We met, you and I,
and paused to talk.
There was something strange
in your silence, in your laughter…
The sentimental duel
finally emerged
that afternoon.
Then… how little was left!
The wind took it all away…

The light of a match was
our fleeting love.
It lasted so little… I know…
like the gleam
of a star…
The light of a match was,
nothing more,
our idyll.
Another illusion departs
from the heart
and never returns.

In everything, the color
is always determined
by the lens used.
I saw you through rose-colored glass,
in your silence, in your laughter.
Then, with another lens,
the color changed
and you were no longer…
Life is all illusion
and the heart is a prism.

La luz de un fósforo by

La luz de un fósforo is a Tango written by and composed by Alberto Suárez Villanueva.

Story behind the Tango La luz de un fósforo

The tango “La luz de un fósforo” narrates the ephemeral and fleeting nature of a love affair, encapsulated within the metaphor of a matchstick’s light. The narrative reveals a brief yet intense encounter between two people, marked by mystery and emotional depth. The relationship is characterized by its transient beauty, eventually fading away like a spark extinguished by the wind.

Symbolism of La luz de un fósforo

The title itself, “La luz de un fósforo” (The light of a matchstick), serves as a powerful metaphor for something bright yet transient. The lyrics emphasize themes of impermanence and disillusionment, capturing the essence of fleeting love. Phrases such as “Nuestro amor pasajero” (Our fleeting love) and “El viento todo lo llevó” (The wind took everything away) highlight the inevitable ending and the transient nature of emotions. The mention of crystals reflecting different colors symbolizes perception and how love’s hues change with time and perspective.

La luz de un fósforo in historic Context

Created in 1943 Buenos Aires, the tango evokes the city’s vibrant and melancholic pulse during the golden age of this musical genre. The post-war era in Argentina was rife with introspection, dealing with both societal changes and personal struggles. The tone of the tango resonates with a sense of elegance and longing, perhaps mirroring the emotional currents of a country in flux.

Alberto Suárez Villanueva was a notable composer within the tango scene, contributing his lyrical prowess to the rich tapestry of Argentine cultural expression. His works often explore themes of love, loss, and the fleeting aspects of human experience.