Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ


Intimas is a Tango written by Alfonso Lacueva and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1927. Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Intimas as an instrumental Tango.
The Spanish name “Íntimas” translates to “Intimate” in English. This piece of music, like a tender whisper, invites the listener into a private world where emotions flow freely and hearts connect. It captures the essence of closeness, weaving through the delicate dance of vulnerability and connection, resonating with the soul’s deepest echoes.



Osvaldo Fresedo




Ricardo Brignolo


Alfonso Lacueva




Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Intimas recorded by other Orchestras

Intimas recorded by other Orchestras

Letra del Tango Intimas

Hace tiempo que te noto que estás triste,
mujercita juguetona, pizpireta:
has cambiado, ya no eres tan coqueta
cual las flores primorosas de un altar…
¿Qué te pasa? ¿Desengaños que has sufrido?
¿Las espinas de una rosa te han herido?
¿O el amor que un ingrato te ha fingido?
¿O un vacío imposible de llenar?

Yo también vivo triste desde un día
en qué cosas de la vida me pasaron
y un surco de recuerdos me dejaron
y un dolor imposible de ocultar…
Yo te amaba y me amabas tiernamente,
mas las fuerzas del destino se opusieron
y desde entonces nuestras almas tuvieron
un vacío imposible de llenar.

¡Tus encantos, tus sonrisas tan amables!…
¡EI perfume que exhalaban tus violetas!… !
Y tus bucles y tus ojos, que princesas
anhelantes te quisieran imitar!
Mas la vida tiene abismos insondables…
Hay caminos del destino intransitables…
Hay recuerdos de amor inolvidables…
¡Y hay vacíos imposibles de llenar!

English lyrics of the Tango "Intimas"

I’ve noticed for a while that you are sad,
playful little lady, cheerful and bright:
you’ve changed, you’re not as flirtatious
as the exquisite flowers on an altar…
What happened? Disappointments you’ve faced?
Have the thorns of a rose wounded you?
Or the love a thankless one pretended to give?
Or a void that’s impossible to fill?

I too have been sad since a day
when things in life occurred to me
and left a furrow of memories behind
and a pain impossible to conceal…
I loved you and you loved me tenderly,
but the forces of fate opposed us
and since then our souls have had
a void that’s impossible to fill.

Your charms, your so kind smiles!…
The perfume your violets exhaled!…
And your curls and your eyes, that princesses
wishing they could emulate!
But life has unfathomable abysses…
There are paths in fate impassable…
There are unforgettable memories of love…
And there are voids impossible to fill!

Intimas by Ricardo Brignolo

Intimas is a Tango written by Ricardo Brignolo and composed by Alfonso Lacueva.

Story behind the Tango Intimas

‘Intimas’, which translates to ‘Intimate’, poignantly expresses the deep, unspoken emotions and memories shared between two souls whose love could not come to fruition due to fate’s interventions. The lyrics begin with one individual noticing the sadness in their beloved, hinting at past joys and present sorrows caused by broken dreams or unfulfillable desires. They both harbor loving memories and an emptiness that remains unfilled, intertwining their melancholy in a quiet narrative of intimate grief and missed opportunities.

Symbolism of Intimas

Throughout the song, Ricardo Brignolo uses rich symbolism to bring depth to the emotional landscape of the lyrics. Phrases like “las espinas de una rosa te han herido” (the thorns of a rose have wounded you) signify the pain hidden beneath seemingly beautiful experiences. Similarly, the recurring line about an “un vacío imposible de llenar” (an emptiness impossible to fill) underscores the enduring sense of loss and incompleteness felt by the characters. The use of floral imagery, like “violetas” (violets), enhances the sense of delicate but fleeting beauty, echoing the transient nature of love and happiness in their story.

Intimas in historic Context

“Intimas” was crafted in 1927, a vibrant yet tumultuous period in Argentine history, marked by social shifts and the rising popularity of Tango as an expression of common emotional threads in society. The themes of fate, love, and loss resonate deeply within the cultural backdrop of Argentina, where Tango often explores the darker, more introspective side of love and life. This song, like many others of its time, served as a reflective outlet where the populace could explore feelings of intimacy and melancholy, common during times of significant social change.

Ricardo Brignolo

Ricardo Brignolo, an influential figure in the Tango scene, is known for his ability to capture complex feelings and narratives within the concise framework of a song, making profound impacts with lyrical storytelling.