Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ


Felicia is a Tango written by Enrique Saborido and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1927. Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Felicia as an instrumental Tango.
“Felicia,” translating to “Happiness” in English, dances through the air like a delicate tango of emotions. This piece celebrates the joy that arises even amidst life’s unpredictabilities, capturing the essence of fleeting yet profound moments of bliss. As melodies entwine, it whispers secrets of serenity and the tender embrace of joy’s gentle and elusive touch.



Osvaldo Fresedo




Carlos Mauricio Pacheco


Enrique Saborido




Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Felicia recorded by other Orchestras

Felicia recorded by other Orchestras

Letra del Tango Felicia

Allá en la casta apartada
donde cantan las espumas
el misterio de las brumas
y los secretos del mar,
yo miraba los caprichos
ondulantes de las olas
llorando mi pena a solas:
mi consuelo era el mirar.

Desde entonces en mi frente
como un insondable enigma
llevo patente el estigma
de este infinito pesar.
Desde entonces en mis ojos
está la sombra grabada
de mi tarde desolada:
en mis ojos está el mar.

Ya no tendré nunca aquellos
tintes suaves de mi aurora
aunque quizás se atesora
toda su luz en mis ojos.
Ya nunca veré mis playas
ni aspiraré de las lomas
los voluptuosos aromas
de mis flores uruguayas.

English lyrics of the Tango "Felicia"

There in the secluded purity
where the foams sing,
the mystery of the mists
and the secrets of the sea,
I watched the whims
of the undulating waves
crying my pain alone:
my solace was in watching.

Since then on my forehead
like an unfathomable enigma,
I carry the patent stigma
of this infinite sorrow.
Since then in my eyes
is etched the shadow
of my desolate evening:
in my eyes is the sea.

I will never have again those
soft hues of my dawn
although perhaps it is treasured
all its light in my eyes.
I will never see my beaches again
nor will I breathe from the hills
the voluptuous aromas
of my Uruguayan flowers.

Felicia by Carlos Mauricio Pacheco

Felicia is a Tango written by Carlos Mauricio Pacheco and composed by Enrique Saborido.

Story behind the Tango Felicia

The lyrics of “Felicia” transport the listener to a secluded, almost mystical coastal setting in Uruguay, filled with the sounds of sea foam and the intrigue of ocean mists. The introspective narrative discloses the author’s process of seeking solace from his deep sorrows through the contemplation of nature’s fluid beauty, namely the restless sea and its endless waves. The protagonist portrays his emotional journey, marked by a profound longing and an irrevocable change post his experience at the coast.

Symbolism of Felicia

In “Felicia,” the sea serves as the central metaphor, symbolizing the vast, uncontrollable nature of the protagonist’s emotions and the pains that haunt him. This union of personal grief with the seascapes indicates a deep connection between the character’s inner turmoil and the wild, unpredictable element of water. Phrases like “the mystery of the mists” and “the secrets of the sea” enhance the enigmatic and profoundly isolated feeling of the lyrics, suggesting that the waters are both a comfort and a mystery, much like the pains that the character cannot fully understand or articulate. The reference to “my Uruguayan flowers” captures a longing for the familiarity and sweetness of his homeland, hinting at a painful disconnection from past joys and places.

Felicia in Historic Context

Released in 1927, “Felicia” emerges during a vibrant yet complex period in Argentine and Uruguayan history—a time marked by the social and economic transformations that would also deeply influence local music scenes. The tango, often a reflection of the common people’s sentiments, was at its peak, capturing the spirit of the urbano landscapes and the emotional undertow of its inhabitants. The poignant nostalgia and sorrow in “Felicia” reflect the broader context of displacement and the cultural melancholy experienced by those experiencing urbanization and societal shift, drawing listeners into a shared experience of reflective solitude and collective memory.

Carlos Mauricio Pacheco

Carlos Mauricio Pacheco was a prominent figure in the world of Tango, memorable for his poignant contributions to the lyrics and narratives that deepen the Tango’s emotional landscape.