Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

El mismo dolor

El mismo dolor is a Vals written by Enrique Francini and recorded by Miguel Caló in 1945. The Vals El mismo dolor is written by Enrique Francini, Miguel Caló has recorded El mismo dolor with the singer Raul Iriarte.
The piece of music is titled “El mismo dolor,” which translates to “The Same Pain” in English. It captures the shared anguish of lovers who find themselves trapped in a dance of longing, each step echoing the silent ache in their hearts. The melody weaves a tapestry of emotions, binding two souls in an eternal embrace of unspoken sorrow.



Miguel Caló


Raul Iriarte


Carlos Bahr


Enrique Francini




Raul Iriarte
Raul Iriarte
Miguel Caló
Miguel Caló

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

El mismo dolor recorded by other Orchestras

El mismo dolor recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Vals El mismo dolor

This is the translation of the Vals “El mismo dolor” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Vals “El mismo dolor” have been done with AI.

Letra del Vals El mismo dolor

Otras manos serán, será otra cara.

Serán otras palabras y otra voz,

me traerán nuevos días, nuevas ansias

y acaso en mis inviernos

florezca otra ilusión.

Otros sueños serán, será otro nombre.

Serán otros motivos y otro adiós.

Cambiará todo, todo, pero siempre

en mi vida golpeará el mismo dolor.

Dolor de tus palabras que ya nunca

serán en mi canción.

Dolor de mis mañanas sin tu risa,

mis días sin tu amor.

Dolor de la distancia irremediable

que dibujó el adiós.

Dolor, siempre el dolor

como una mano terca,

que aprieta el corazón.

Otro gesto será, será otra risa.

Serán otras locuras y otro amor.

Llegará por la senda otra esperanza

y acaso otros paisajes renueven mi emoción.

Otra noche será, será otro beso.

Serán otros recuerdos y otro adiós.

Cambiará todo, todo, pero siempre

en mi vida golpeará el mismo dolor.

English lyrics of the Vals "El mismo dolor"

Other hands will be, another face it will be.

Other words and another voice,

they will bring me new days, new desires

and perhaps in my winters

another illusion will bloom.

Other dreams will be, another name it will be.

There will be other reasons and another goodbye.

Everything will change, everything, but always

the same pain will strike in my life.

Pain of your words that will never

be in my song again.

Pain of my mornings without your laughter,

my days without your love.

Pain from the unbridgeable distance

that drew the goodbye.

Pain, always the pain

like a stubborn hand,

squeezing the heart.

Another gesture will be, another laugh it will be.

There will be other madness and another love.

Another hope will arrive on the trail

and perhaps other landscapes will renew my emotion.

Another night it will be, another kiss it will be.

There will be other memories and another goodbye.

Everything will change, everything, but always

the same pain will strike in my life.

El mismo dolor by Carlos Bahr

El mismo dolor is a Tango written by Carlos Bahr and composed by Enrique Francini.

Story behind the Tango El mismo dolor

The tango “El mismo dolor,” penned by Carlos Bahr, explores themes of love, loss, and the indelible emotional scars left behind. The lyrics poignantly convey a narrative of ongoing suffering despite changes in life’s circumstances. Each stanza reflects on new beginnings—new hands, new faces, new voices—that come with their own experiences and anticipations. Yet, the core of the song focuses on the persistent pain of a past love, one that remains unchanged and continues to impact the protagonist deeply.

Symbolism of El mismo dolor

“El mismo dolor” uses powerful language and imagery to deepen its emotional impact. The repeated phrase “el mismo dolor” (the same pain) acts as a refrain, emphasizing the constant anguish felt by the narrator despite different external changes. Notable phrases like “Dolor de tus palabras que ya nunca serán en mi canción” (Pain from your words that will never again be in my song) highlight the permanent effect of fleeting words, tying the pain directly to remembrance and silence. The poet’s use of “una mano terca, que aprieta el corazón” (a stubborn hand, that squeezes the heart) evokes a vivid image of ongoing, relentless heartache.

El mismo dolor in historic Context

Written and recorded in 1945, “El mismo dolor” emerges during a tumultuous period of Argentine history, shortly after the end of World War II and during the rise of Juan Perón. This historical context adds a layer of longing and introspection that were prevalent in the Argentine society of the time. Despite the dynamic political changes, personal emotional experiences like those depicted in the tango transcended the immediate social upheavals, reflecting a universal theme of human resilience and vulnerability.

Carlos Bahr

Carlos Bahr was a notable Argentine lyricist known for his profound and evocative tango lyrics.