Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

El día de tu ausencia

El día de tu ausencia is a Tango written by Argentino Galván and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1943. The Tango El día de tu ausencia is written by Argentino Galván, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded El día de tu ausencia with the singer Oscar Serpa.
“El día de tu ausencia,” translated into English as “The Day of Your Absence,” evokes the poignant silence left by love’s departure. Each note weaves a tapestry of longing, tracing the shadow of moments lost to time. It is a tender dance between memory and melancholy, where every pause speaks of a presence that lingers deeply within the heart.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Oscar Serpa


Manuel Arcos


Argentino Galván




Oscar Serpa
Oscar Serpa
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

El día de tu ausencia recorded by other Orchestras

El día de tu ausencia recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango El día de tu ausencia

This is the translation of the Tango “El día de tu ausencia” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “El día de tu ausencia” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango El día de tu ausencia

Del día en que te alejes
Y aquel en que me olvides,
Tan sólo nos separan
Los ensueños de un amor
Que ya ni existe.

Y el día en que te ausentes,
Perdida para siempre,
Ninguno de los dos
Ha de llorar por ansias de
Este amor.

Bien sé qué imposible sed, tú me alcanzaste,
Bien sé qué raíces echó tu pasión,
Y al fin, sin embargo, te siento culpable
De tanta increíble tortura de hoy.

Tu amor, fue arrebato fugaz de un engaño,
Tal vez no merezca ni el nombre de amor,
Lo cierto es que nunca quisiste ser dueña
Del fuego sagrado de mi corazón.

El día en que te pierda
Quizá mis soledades,
Se abrumen de inquietudes
Por tus horas de dolor

El día de tu ausencia
Será de angustia plena,
Angustia de un adiós
Que nos dará la paz
Del corazón.

English lyrics of the Tango "El día de tu ausencia"

From the day you leave
And the day you forget me,
Only the dreams of a love
That no longer exists
Separate us.

And the day you are absent,
Lost forever,
Neither of us
Will cry for the desires of
This love.

I well know the impossible thirst you reached,
I well know the roots your passion threw,
And in the end, however, I feel you guilty
Of so much incredible torture today.

Your love was a fleeting snatch of deception,
Perhaps it doesn’t even deserve the name of love,
The truth is that you never wanted to own
The sacred fire of my heart.

The day I lose you
Perhaps my solitudes,
Will be overwhelmed with worries
For your hours of inevitable pain.

The day you are absent
Will be full of anguish,
The anguish of a goodbye
That will give us the peace
Of the heart.

El día de tu ausencia by Manuel Arcos

El día de tu ausencia is a Tango written by Manuel Arcos and composed by Argentino Galván.

Story behind the Tango El día de tu ausencia

The primary theme of “El día de tu ausencia” revolves around the profound emotions associated with love lost and the inevitable separation of lovers. The lyrics begin with the moment of parting and move through the recollections of love, accusations of betrayal, and finally resolve in accepting the peace that comes with letting go. The poignant emotions are the hallmark of classic tango, a dance that communicates intense feelings through its movements.

Symbolism of El día de tu ausencia

The symbolic use of “El día de tu ausencia” (The Day of Your Absence) implies a specific moment marking the end of something significant, which, in this case, is the love affair. Phrases such as “Y el día en que te ausentes, perdida para siempre” (And the day you are absent, lost forever) depict a final goodbye, symbolizing an irreparable loss. This use of temporal markers underscores the finality and the deep sense of irrevocability associated with the lover’s departure.

El día de tu ausencia in historic Context

Recorded in 1943, during World War II, a time of significant global turmoil, “El día de tu ausencia” may resonate with the broader context of loss and separation experienced during the war. The tango, a quintessential expression of Argentine culture, often reflects the emotional landscape of its time, portraying themes of longing, nostalgia, and personal turmoil which could be reflective of the societal mood during such unstable periods.

Manuel Arcos

Manuel Arcos was an Argentine lyricist known for his contributions to the tango genre, often collaborating with notable composers to create works that deeply resonated with the Argentine public.