Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

El cielo en las manos

El cielo en las manos is a Tango written by Astor Piazzolla and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1951. The Tango El cielo en las manos is written by Astor Piazzolla, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded El cielo en las manos with the singer Alberto Moran.
“El cielo en las manos,” or “The Sky in the Hands,” evokes the sensation of holding infinite possibilities within one’s grasp. This evocative piece, perhaps a Tango, invites listeners to imagine the ethereal beauty and vastness of the sky captured in their palms, bridging the gap between dreams and reality. It’s a musical journey where every note whispers of hope and aspiration, mingling the earthly with the celestial.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Alberto Moran


Homero Cárpena


Astor Piazzolla




Alberto Moran
Alberto Moran
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Lyrics Translation of the Tango El cielo en las manos

This is the translation of the Tango “El cielo en las manos” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “El cielo en las manos” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango El cielo en las manos

Como si tuviera el cielo en las manos
cuando por las noches suelo acariciar
la cabeza tierna de mi santa madre
y así me quisiera por siempre quedar
cuando yo la veo silenciosamente
cruzar los rincones del humilde hogar
y ocultar su cara repentinamente
es por una pena que la hace llorar.

Pasamos la vida buscando una dicha,
buscando pasamos mil cosas tal vez.
Es un pedacito de cielo su cara
que está a nuestro alcance y que se nos va,
de qué vale entonces llorarla y nombrarla
si ya hemos perdido la felicidad.

Cada vez que veo pasar a mi lado
los cabellos blancos de alguna mujer
pienso en esos niños, los abandonados,
que no han conocido su madre al nacer.
Venero a la mía de cabellos canos
bendigo su nombre al pie del altar,
cada beso suyo es cielo en las manos
el cielo de un beso que no he de olvidar.

English lyrics of the Tango "El cielo en las manos"

As if I had the sky in my hands
when at night I tend to caress
the tender head of my sainted mother
and thus, I would want to stay forever
when I see her silently
cross the corners of our humble home
and suddenly hide her face
it’s because of a sorrow that makes her cry.

We spend our lives seeking bliss,
in search we pass perhaps a thousand things.
Her face is a piece of heaven
that is within our reach and then slips away,
what’s the use of then crying and naming it
if we have already lost happiness.

Every time I see passing by my side
the white hair of some woman
I think of those children, the abandoned,
who have not known their mother at birth.
I revere my gray-haired mother
I bless her name at the foot of the altar,
each kiss from her is heaven in my hands
the heaven of a kiss I will never forget.

El cielo en las manos by Homero Cárpena

El cielo en las manos is a Tango written by Homero Cárpena and composed by Astor Piazzolla.

Story behind the Tango El cielo en las manos

The lyrics of “El cielo en las manos” evoke deep emotional connections centered on family, especially the maternal figure. The narrative describes tender, cherished moments with a mother, expressing a profound gratitude and reverence. The phrase “Como si tuviera el cielo en las manos” suggests the sublime joy and peace the narrator feels when caring for their aging mother. This expression paints the simple, yet deeply significant act of touching a loved one as something heavenly and infinitely valuable.

Symbolism of El cielo en las manos

The repeated mention of “el cielo en las manos,” which translates to “heaven in the hands,” symbolizes a feeling of immense joy and contentment derived from familial love and caregiving. The imagery of the mother “crossing the corners of the humble home” and hiding “her face suddenly” reflects the everyday struggles and hidden sorrows of life that weigh upon her, despite the love and care she receives. The dichotomy of sacredness in the mother’s tender gestures and the sadness of inevitable aging and life’s trials is poignant, revealing deep emotional layers.

El cielo en las manos in historic Context

Recorded in 1951 in Argentina, “El cielo en las manos” situates itself in a period post-World War II, during which society was reeling from great changes and losses. This tango, with its focus on intimate family experiences and the sanctity of maternal love, could resonate deeply within a culture dealing with recovery and seeking comfort in familiar, enduring bonds. The imagery and emotional depth serve as a refuge, a reminder of the immutable value of personal connections amidst broader societal upheavals.

Homero Cárpena

Homero Cárpena was a renowned Argentine lyricist whose works often delved into themes of love, nostalgia, and personal reflection.