Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

De corte arrabalero

De corte arrabalero is a Tango written by and recorded by Juan D’Arienzo in 1971. Juan D’Arienzo has recorded De corte arrabalero as an instrumental Tango.
“De corte arrabalero,” which translates to “Of a Suburban Cut,” evokes the raw essence of life on the fringes. This piece captures the spirit of the arrabal, where stories of passion, longing, and resilience unfold in shadowy corners. Through its melodies, it paints a vivid picture of a world both gritty and poetic, rich with unvarnished emotion.

De corte arrabalero recorded by Juan D’Arienzo

De corte arrabalero is an instrumental Tango composed by

Interpretation of De corte arrabalero

The phrase “De corte arrabalero” translates to “Of a Suburban Style” in English. This instrumental composition evokes the vibrant and raw essence of the suburban neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, perhaps conjuring vivid images of lively streets filled with the passionate dance of tango. The music, characterized by its energetic rhythm and dramatic pauses, captures the spirit of the arrabal, the suburbs, where tango was born and nurtured. It reflects the colorful, somewhat rugged, yet charming life of the urban fringes, translating these everyday scenes into a rich, musical tapestry.

Juan D’Arienzo and De corte arrabalero

Juan D’Arienzo, famously known as “El Rey del Compás” or “The King of Rhythm,” brought “De corte arrabalero” to life with his orchestra famed for its uplifting and rhythmic style. Recorded on November 26, 1971, D’Arienzo’s rendition of this tango piece exudes his characteristic energy, breathing life and dynamism into every note. His interpretation maintains the traditional tango roots while adding a certain vitality that invites dancers to partake in the lively embrace of the tango dance floor.