Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Corazoncito (Ñafa)

Corazoncito (Ñafa) is a Tango written by Rafael Rossi and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1928. Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Corazoncito (Ñafa) as an instrumental Tango.
“Corazoncito (Ñafa)” translates to “Little Heart (Ñafa)” in English. In the tender embrace of this melody, a ‘little heart’ whispers tales of courage and vulnerability, as it dances through a symphony of emotions. The piece embodies the delicate balance between strength and fragility, capturing the essence of a heart that beats with both love and resilience.



Osvaldo Fresedo




José Rial


Rafael Rossi




Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

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Corazoncito (Ñafa) recorded by other Orchestras

Corazoncito (Ñafa) recorded by other Orchestras

Letra del Tango Corazoncito (Ñafa)

El encanto seductor
de tu risa de cristal,
el perfume de tu amor
y tu gracia espiritual.
Delicadamente, van
endulzando a mi ser
las rosas de tu rosal
que con afán cultivó…

Gustando de tu amistad,
tus virtudes adoré
porque saben inspirar
a mis sentimientos, fe.
“¡Qué lindo es vivir así!”
empapado de placer
acariciando las galas
de tu bendito querer.

Déjame “Corazoncito”
que te tribute mis flores,
símbolo de la pureza
de mis momentos mejores,
dando en mi vivir risueño,
pudo mi sutil empeño
colmar sus aspiraciones,
admirando la grandeza
que refleja la nobleza
de tu divino pensar.

“Corazoncito” triunfal,
tus vivos latidos son
armonía celestial,
pedazos de vibración.
Sentidas notas que dan
horas de satisfacción,
dulces ternuras que estás
ligadas a mi pasión.

Mis anhelos son colmar
tu amoroso frenesí
tú me juraste amar,
amarte te prometí.
En mí, siempre vivirás,
serás gloria, para mí
y no más podré brindarte
si ya todo te lo di.

English lyrics of the Tango "Corazoncito (Ñafa)"

The seductive charm
of your crystal laugh,
the perfume of your love
and your spiritual grace.
Delicately, they sweeten
my being,
the roses of your rosebush
that you eagerly cultivated…

Enjoying your friendship,
I adored your virtues
because they know how to inspire
faith in my feelings.
“How beautiful it is to live like this!”
soaked in pleasure
caressing the fineries
of your blessed love.

Let me, “Little Heart,”
tribute my flowers to you,
symbol of the purity
of my finest moments,
making in my cheerful life,
my subtle efforts could
fulfill their aspirations,
admiring the grandeur
that reflects the nobility
of your divine thinking.

Triumphant “Little Heart,”
your lively beats are
celestial harmony,
pieces of vibration.
Felt notes that give
hours of satisfaction,
sweet tenderness that are
tied to my passion.

My desires are to fulfill
your loving frenzy
you swore to love me,
I promised to love you.
In me, you will always live,
you will be glory, for me
and I can no longer offer you
if I already gave you everything.

Corazoncito (Ñafa) by José Rial

Corazoncito (Ñafa) is a Tango written by José Rial and composed by Rafael Rossi.

Story behind the Tango Corazoncito (Ñafa)

The lyrics of “Corazoncito (Ñafa)” weave a vibrant tale of intimacy, affection, and a deep, soulful connection between the speaker and the subject of his adoration. This tango, which exudes a profound emotional resonance, articulates the intoxicating effect of a beloved’s laughter, love, and spiritual grace. The lyrics poignantly express the narrator’s aspiration to both experience and honor these qualities, describing the emotional journey through a metaphorical cultivation of roses, which symbolize the blossoming of love and friendship.

Symbolism of Corazoncito (Ñafa)

Significant symbolism in “Corazoncito (Ñafa)” includes references to “tu risa de cristal” (your crystal laughter) and “rosas de tu rosal” (roses from your rosebush), portraying clarity, beauty, and growth. These symbols deeply enhance the lyric’s emotional landscape, portraying an idealized view of love as pure and growth-oriented. Phrases like “símbolo de la pureza” (symbol of purity) underline the narrator’s idealization of his feelings and experiences, providing a sense of sanctity and reverence to the relationship highlighted.

Corazoncito (Ñafa) in Historic Context

Composed in Argentina in 1928, a culturally rich period for tango, “Corazoncito (Ñafa)” sits deeply within the Golden Age of Tango (1930s to mid-1950s). The prevailing social and economic conditions of 1920s Argentina fostered a deep connection with tango music as a form of emotional expression and national identity. Lyrics such as these resonate with listeners, speaking to universal themes of love and devotion, and offering a form of escapism and national pride during times of change and uncertainty.

José Rial

José Rial was a notable lyricist in Argentina, crafting tangos that captured the essence of the Argentine spirit through a potent mixture of poetic imagery and deep emotional resonance.