Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Che Cristóbal

Che Cristóbal is a Tango written by Orlando Calautti and recorded by Osvaldo Pugliese in 1958. The Tango Che Cristóbal is written by Orlando Calautti, Osvaldo Pugliese has recorded Che Cristóbal with the singer Miguel Montero.
“Che Cristóbal,” or “Hey Cristóbal” in English, echoes through the air, a musical summons that beckons the soul to dance. It speaks to the listener as an intimate call, inviting Cristóbal from the depths of memory and history to join the present moment. The melody is a dance of nostalgia and longing, where past and present entwine in a timeless embrace.



Osvaldo Pugliese


Miguel Montero


Roberto Vallejos


Orlando Calautti




Miguel Montero
Miguel Montero
Osvaldo Pugliese
Osvaldo Pugliese

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Lyrics Translation of the Tango Che Cristóbal

This is the translation of the Tango “Che Cristóbal” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Che Cristóbal” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Che Cristóbal

A pedido de tus viejos, vine a hablarte, che Cristóbal

Para que cambiés la púa, de tu membrana mental,

Porque desde que naciste, estás rayando ese disco

Que te dice, agarrá el pico y ponete a laburar.

Como amigo te aconsejo, que dejés de aplanar calles,

Enfilá para otro rumbo, tu descentrado timón,

Porque tu vida navega, por un mundo ya explorado

Y sos grande, che Cristóbal, pa´ vivir de explorador.

¡Che Cristóbal!,

A tus viejos no les causes más quebrantos,

Vos sabés, te quieren tanto

Brindales satisfacción.


Deshacéte de esa noria de mentiras,

Que constante yira y yira

En tu lengua sin parar.


Por tu culpa y tu rara ideología,

Está ausente la alegría

En el seno de tu hogar.

A vos no te da vergüenza, que todo el barrio comente,

Que a las seis de la mañana, con tu viejo te encontrás,

Mientras el se va pa´l laburo, por esa calle de siempre

Vos, como un fierro sin temple, regresás de trasnochar.

Todavía estás a tiempo, pa´ buscarte otro camino,

Otro sol en tu destino, puede venirte a alumbrar,

Hacele el gusto a los viejos, abrí las puertas del alma

Y a ese mal que te aprisiona, para siempre lo largás.

English lyrics of the Tango "Che Cristóbal"

At the request of your parents, I came to talk to you, Che Cristobal

To change the needle, of your mental membrane,

Because since you were born, you’ve been playing that record

That tells you, grab the pickaxe and start working.

As a friend, I advise you, stop paving streets,

Set a different course, your uncentered helm,

Because your life sails, through an already explored world

And you are too old, Che Cristobal, to live as an explorer.

Che Cristobal!,

Don’t cause your parents any more grief,

You know, they love you so much

Give them some satisfaction.

Shameless one!,

Get rid of that mill of lies,

That constantly spins and spins

Nonstop on your tongue.


Because of you and your strange ideology,

Joy is absent

In the heart of your home.

Aren’t you ashamed, that the whole neighborhood comments,

That at six in the morning, with your dad you meet,

While he goes to work, down that same old street

You, like an untempered metal, return from staying out late.

You still have time, to find another path,

Another sun in your destiny, might come to light you up,

Do your old folks a favor, open the doors of your soul

And that evil that imprisons you, you’ll release forever.

Che Cristóbal by Roberto Vallejos

Che Cristóbal is a Tango written by Roberto Vallejos and composed by Orlando Calautti.

Story behind the Tango Che Cristóbal

The lyrics open with a dramatic call to address concerns about Cristóbal’s lifestyle, suggested by the phrase “A pedido de tus viejos, vine a hablarte, che Cristóbal”. This dialogue sets the stage for an intervention, as the speaker advises Cristóbal to change his wayward behavior, metaphorically described as changing the “needle” of his “mental membrane”. The narrative reveals Cristóbal as a persistent nonconformist, resistant to work and traditional societal expectations, indulging in a life that veers off the expected path thrillingly but unproductively.

Symbolism of Che Cristóbal

In the tango, Cristóbal’s contrasting life choices are vividly depicted through the symbolic imagery of him wandering the streets late at night, juxtaposed against his father’s disciplined morning routine to work. The term “Vagoneta” implies a carefree, possibly reckless attitude, suggesting Cristóbal’s disregard for societal norms and familial duties. References to the neighborhood’s negative perception reinforce the societal disapproval of his unorthodox lifestyle. This juxtaposition serves as a poignant reminder of the community’s values and the strain placed on familial bonds by individual choices.

Che Cristóbal in Historic Context

Released in 1958, “Che Cristóbal” reflects mid-20th century societal values in Argentina, where familial duty and traditional work ethics were highly esteemed. The song showcases the generational conflict and societal pressures to conform to a productive, respectable lifestyle, emblematic of the broader cultural narrative during the post-war period in Argentina. This song, delivered as a Tango, uses its emotive and dramatic undertones to emphasize the urgency and emotional weight of its message.

Roberto Vallejos

Roberto Vallejos is renowned for his poignant contributions to the world of Tango, capturing the essence of Argentine culture and human emotions through his evocative lyrics.