Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Carnaval de mi barrio

Carnaval de mi barrio is a Tango written by Luis Rubistein and recorded by Ángel d’Agostino in 1954. The Tango Carnaval de mi barrio is written by Luis Rubistein, Ángel d’Agostino has recorded Carnaval de mi barrio with the singer Tino Garcia, Ruben Cané.
“Carnaval de mi barrio,” or “Carnival of My Neighborhood,” evokes the vibrant and spirited essence of a community celebration. This piece of music captures the joyful chaos and colorful tapestry of life in the streets, where laughter, dance, and music intertwine. It is a heartfelt ode to the resilience and unity found in the rhythms of local traditions, echoing stories of belonging and shared joy.



Ángel d'Agostino


Tino Garcia, Ruben Cané


Luis Rubistein


Luis Rubistein




Tino Garcia, Ruben Cané
Tino Garcia, Ruben Cané
Ángel d'Agostino
Ángel d’Agostino

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These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Carnaval de mi barrio recorded by other Orchestras

Carnaval de mi barrio recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Carnaval de mi barrio

This is the translation of the Tango “Carnaval de mi barrio” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Carnaval de mi barrio” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Carnaval de mi barrio

Mi barrio está de fiesta con su mejor sonrisa
y una ternura extraña me invade el corazón.
Parece que las horas corriesen más deprisa
y que del mismo barro brotase una canción.
La murga de purretes, desafinando un tango,
machuca los oídos con destemplada voz…
Gorriones de mi barrio que vuelcan en el fango,
puñados de alegría que les regala Dios.

Carnaval de mi barrio
donde todo es amor,
cascabeles de risas
matizando el dolor…,
Carnaval de mi barrio,
pedacito de sol,
con nostalgias de luna
y canción de farol.

La que volvió sin honra se disfrazó de apache
y el barrio en cada puerta comenta sin cesar,
su traje descarado, sus ojos azabache,
y su poca vergüenza que no sabe ocultar…
El tano verdulero, tirado en la vereda,
mastica su cachimbo, cansado de yugar;
y en su sonrisa amarga una nostalgia enreda;
también, allá en Italia, vivió su carnaval.

English lyrics of the Tango "Carnaval de mi barrio"

My neighborhood is festive, wearing its brightest smile,
and a strange tenderness seizes my heart.
It seems the hours hurry by a bit faster,
and from the very mud, a song begins to rise.
The ragtag band of kids, out of tune with their tango,
assaults the ears with their discordant voices…
Sparrows of my neighborhood, spilling into the mud,
handfuls of joy that God bestows on them.

Carnival of my neighborhood
where everything is love,
bells of laughter
softening the pain…,
Carnival of my neighborhood,
little piece of sun,
with moonlit nostalgia
and lamp-lit song.

The dishonored woman returned dressed as a gypsy
and at every door, the neighborhood incessantly gossips,
about her brazen outfit, her dark eyes,
and her shamelessness she can’t hide…
The Italian veggie vendor, sprawled on the sidewalk,
chews on his pipe, tired from the grind;
and in his bitter smile, a nostalgia tangles;
he too, once experienced carnival back in Italy.

Carnaval de mi barrio by Luis Rubistein

Carnaval de mi barrio is a Tango written by Luis Rubistein and composed by Luis Rubistein.

Story behind the Tango Carnaval de mi barrio

The lyrics of ‘Carnaval de mi barrio’ embody a nostalgic reflection on the celebration of Carnival in the composer’s neighborhood. The song captures both joviality and underlying sadness, where the festive spirit becomes a vehicle for both communal expression and individual introspection. The narrator vividly depicts scenes of local children engaging in music, albeit dissonantly, and the return of a dishonored woman facing judgment from her community, highlighting the contrasting layers of human experience within a festive context. Overall, the lyrics tell a story of a community alive with, and transformed by, the spirit of Carnival.

Symbolism of Carnaval de mi barrio

The choice of a neighborhood Carnival setting in the lyrics serves as potent symbolism, portraying not just celebration but also a mirror to society. Phrases like “gorriones de mi barrio que vuelcan en el fango, puñados de alegría que les regala Dios,” symbolize the innocence and simplicity of local children who vitalize the gloomy environment with divine gifted joy. The contrasting lives depicted, from a vegetable seller reminiscing about his Carnival experience in Italy to a woman lost in moral contemplation, collectively reveal the multifaceted nature of human emotions intertwined with cultural festivities. Such descriptions elevate the apparent surface merriment of a carnival to layers of emotional depth, embodying simultaneously the facets of joy, nostalgia, and societal critique.

Carnaval de mi barrio in historic Context

Recorded in 1954, a time when Argentina was undergoing significant social and political transitions, “Carnaval de mi barrio” likely resonates with the struggles and reflections of its era. Post-World War II societies, including Argentina, were reevaluating their cultural identities and societal norms. This tango might have offered a momentary escape as well as a critical reflection of the community’s values and challenges, packaged in the familiar and regionally beloved form of the Carnival—a celebration deeply rooted in both European and local traditions.

Luis Rubistein

Luis Rubistein was an observant and expressive composer who effectively captured and communicated the complexities of Argentine life through his tangos.