Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Barrio pobre

Barrio pobre is a Tango written by Vicente Belvedere and recorded by Osvaldo Fresedo in 1966. The Tango Barrio pobre is written by Vicente Belvedere, Osvaldo Fresedo has recorded Barrio pobre with the singer Roberto Yanés.
“Barrio Pobre,” translated into English as “Poor Neighborhood,” evokes the soulful story of humble streets filled with resilience and dreams. Melodies echo the bittersweet tales of life’s struggles, where hope flickers amidst the shadows. Within its notes, a heartfelt tribute unfolds, painting vivid images of community bonds and the indomitable spirit found in life’s simplest moments.



Osvaldo Fresedo


Roberto Yanés


Francisco García Jiménez


Vicente Belvedere




Roberto Yanés
Roberto Yanés
Osvaldo Fresedo
Osvaldo Fresedo

Discover Other Orchestras


These Tangos, Valses, and Milongas were recorded around the same time. Take a look to discover what else this orchestra—or others—may have recorded during the same week or even on the exact same day.

Barrio pobre recorded by other Orchestras

Barrio pobre recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Barrio pobre

This is the translation of the Tango “Barrio pobre” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Barrio pobre” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Barrio pobre

En este barrio que es reliquia del pasado,
por esta calle, tan humilde tuve ayer,
detrás de aquella ventanita que han cerrado,
la clavelina perfumada de un querer…
Aquellas fiestas que en tus patios celebraban
algún suceso venturoso del lugar,
con mi guitarra entre la rueda me contaban
y en versos tiernos entonaba mi cantar…

Barrio… de mis sueños más ardientes,
pobre…cual las ropas de tus gentes.
Para mí guardabas toda la riqueza
y lloviznaba la tristeza
cuando te di mi último adiós…
¡Barrio… barrio pobre, estoy contigo!…
¡Vuelvo a cantarte, viejo amigo!
Perdoná los desencantos de mi canto,
pues desde entonces, lloré tanto,
que se ha quebrado ya mi voz…

Por esta calle iba en pálidas auroras
con paso firme a la jornada de labor;
cordial y simple era la ronda de mis horas;
amor de madre, amor de novia…¡siempre amor!
Por esta calle en una noche huraña y fría
salí del mundo bueno y puro del ayer,
doblé la esquina sin pensar lo que perdía,
me fui sin rumbo, para nunca más volver….

English lyrics of the Tango "Barrio pobre"

In this neighborhood, a relic of the past,
along this humble street where I was yesterday,
behind that little window they have now sealed,
the fragrant carnation of an old romance…
Those parties celebrated in your courtyards,
any lucky incident of this place,
with my guitar among the crowd they’d tell me,
and in tender verses, I sang my song…

Neighborhood… of my most burning dreams,
poor… like the clothes of your people.
For me, you held all the wealth
and sadness drizzled down
when I gave you my last goodbye…
Neighborhood… poor neighborhood, I am with you!…
I return to sing to you, old friend!
Forgive the disenchantments of my song,
since then, I’ve cried so much,
that my voice has already broken…

Along this street I walked in pale dawns
with steady steps to a day of work;
cordial and simple was the round of my hours;
mother’s love, girlfriend’s love… always love!
In this street on a sullen and cold night
I left the good and pure world of yesterday,
I turned the corner without thinking what I was losing,
I left aimlessly, to never return…

Barrio pobre by Francisco García Jiménez

Barrio pobre is a Tango written by Francisco García Jiménez and composed by Vicente Belvedere.

Story behind the Tango Barrio pobre

The lyrics of “Barrio pobre” reminisce about a humble neighborhood, which the narrator identifies deeply with their past. It paints a nostalgic picture of simplicities and emotional ties with the neighborhood’s people and events. Notably, the verses tell of the narrator’s close connection to this modest barrio through significant elements such as a treasured love and shared celebrations. The portrayal of straightforward lives centered around manual labor and love highlights an emotional depth associated with personal and collective memories.

Symbolism of Barrio pobre

The song employs vivid symbols to evoke feelings of nostalgia and loss. The ‘ventanita’ (small window) symbolizes the modest gateway through which the narrator experienced love—its closure indicative of lost love or opportunities. The ‘clavelina’ (carnation), a bright and enduring flower, represents the enduring yet delicate nature of past affection. The neighborhood itself symbolizes a cradle of purity and sincerity from which the narrator has been involuntarily uprooted. The phrase “barrio…barrio pobre, estoy contigo” signifies emotional solidarity with his past, stubbornly clinging to the simplicity and honesty he associates with his roots.

Barrio pobre in historic Context

“Barrio pobre” was written during a period marked by significant social and political changes in Argentina. It was common during the mid-20th century for artists to reflect on societal themes, often addressing issues of inequity and nostalgia for a simpler past. The neighborhood setting likely mirrors typical working-class barrios of Argentina, where community bonds were strong amidst economic hardships. Thus, the lyrics not only reflect the personal story of the narrator but also resonate with a broader audience familiar with the struggles and solidarity typical of poor neighborhoods.

Francisco García Jiménez

Francisco García Jiménez was an influential Argentine lyricist and writer known for his poignant and impactful lyrics in the Tango genre.