Fabrice Knecht Tango DJ

Alma de bohemio

Alma de bohemio is a Tango written by Roberto Firpo and recorded by Ángel d’Agostino in 1947. The Tango Alma de bohemio is written by Roberto Firpo, Ángel d’Agostino has recorded Alma de bohemio with the singer Tino Garcia.
“Alma de bohemio” translates to “Soul of a Bohemian” in English. This evocative title captures the essence of a free spirit, one who wanders through life with an unchained heart and a yearning for the unconventional. It speaks to a life lived outside the lines, driven by passion and a relentless pursuit of artistic freedom.



Ángel d'Agostino


Tino Garcia


Juan Andrés Caruso


Roberto Firpo




Tino Garcia
Tino Garcia
Ángel d'Agostino
Ángel d’Agostino

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Alma de bohemio recorded by other Orchestras

Alma de bohemio recorded by other Orchestras

Lyrics Translation of the Tango Alma de bohemio

This is the translation of the Tango “Alma de bohemio” from Spanish to English. The English lyrics of the Tango “Alma de bohemio” have been done with AI.

Letra del Tango Alma de bohemio

Peregrino y soñador,
quiero mi fantasía
y la loca poesía
que hay en mi corazón,
y lleno de amor y de alegría,
volcaré mi canción.

Siempre sentí
la dulce ilusión,
de estar viviendo
mi pasión.

Si es que vivo lo que sueño,
yo sueño todo lo que canto,
por eso mi encanto
es el amor.
Mi pobre alma de bohemio
quiere acariciar
y como una flor

Y en mis noches de dolor,
a hablar
me voy con las estrellas
y las cosas más bellas,
despierto he de soñar,
porque le confío a ellas
toda mi sed de amar.

Siempre sentí
la dulce ilusión,
de estar viviendo
mi pasión.

Yo busco en los ojos celestes
y renegridas cabelleras,
pasiones sinceras,
dulce emoción.
Y en mi triste vida errante
llena de ilusión,
quiero dar todo
mi corazón.

English lyrics of the Tango "Alma de bohemio"

Wanderer and dreamer,
I want my fantasy
and the mad poetry
that’s in my heart,
and full of love and joy,
I’ll pour out my song.

I always felt
the sweet illusion,
of living
my passion.

If I live what I dream,
I dream everything I sing,
that’s why my charm
is love.
My poor bohemian soul
wants to caress
and like a flower

And in my nights of pain,
to talk
I go to the stars
and the most beautiful things,
awake I must dream,
because I entrust to them
all my thirst for love.

I always felt
the sweet illusion,
of living
my passion.

I seek in sky-blue eyes
and jet-black hair,
sincere passions,
sweet emotion.
And in my sad wandering life
full of illusion,
I want to give all
my heart.

Alma de bohemio by Juan Andrés Caruso

Alma de bohemio is a Tango written by Juan Andrés Caruso and composed by Roberto Firpo.

Story behind the Tango Alma de bohemio

“Alma de bohemio” (Bohemian Soul) captures the life of a dreamer and a wanderer who expresses his emotions and fantasies through song. The central character embraces the essence of a true bohemian, filled with love and joy, using his music to communicate not only his dreams but also his profound feelings of love and emotional desires that stem from his heart.

Symbolism of Alma de bohemio

The lyrics of “Alma de bohemio” feature rich symbolism, particularly in the portrayal of concepts such as dreaming and the celestial references such as talking to the stars (“a hablar me voy con las estrellas”). These elements signify the high aspirations and the deep introspection of the protagonist. Dreams and stars often represent idealism and guidance, reflecting the bohemian’s continual search for meaning and expression through his artistic endeavors. The use of phrases like “la loca poesía que hay en mi corazón” (the crazy poetry that’s in my heart) and “quiero acariciar y como una flor perfumar” (wants to caress and perfume like a flower) highlight the depth of his emotional and creative impulses, seeking to touch and beautify the world in his unique way.

Alma de bohemio in historic Context

Recorded in 1947, “Alma de bohemio” was composed in a post-war Argentina, a period marked by significant changes and the rise of complex social dynamics. The character of the bohemian can be seen as a metaphor for the freedom of expression and the ongoing cultural shifts occurring at the time. Tango itself, often a reflection of the common people’s sentiments, acts here as a vessel for personal and communal expression. The song’s emphasis on passion, depth of emotion, and a wandering lifestyle can also be interpreted as a reaction to the constraints and struggles of the time, proposing an artistic and almost transcendental response to societal challenges.

Juan Andrés Caruso

Juan Andrés Caruso was a notable Argentine lyricist known for his romantic and evocative tango lyrics that often captured the soul’s deep emotions and sentiments.